Im Sorry!

Big Fed

For sayin that 2 handed backhand is garbage. I sucked with i all my life. When i switched the 1 hander a year ago it worked great. But today i tried 2 hander just for kicks (cause i wanted to be like safin)and it fit my game perfect. I was smashing back hands like crazy. Im a hardcore baseliner so its great. And because i used 1 hander i can slice really well.

I just cant handle high balls so if you have any tips help a brotha out.


Step in and take it on the rise. It's a big disadvantage is you let the ball push you back and if your opponent is mildly intelligent, he/she will be able to attack you easily.

You live in Lansing? I went to Ann Arbor couple days ago. How do you play tennis in that blistering heat and humidity. I guess I'm spoiled by California weather.


Step in and take it on the rise. It's a big disadvantage is you let the ball push you back and if your opponent is mildly intelligent, he/she will be able to attack you easily.

You live in Lansing? I went to Ann Arbor couple days ago. How do you play tennis in that blistering heat and humidity. I guess I'm spoiled by California weather.

What's wrong with Ann Arbor?

Regards, Predrag