Stopping the Addiction of Racket Collection


Hall of Fame
I have managed to limit my collection to 12 rackets:
2x Prince Spectrum
2x Wilson Matrix Mid
2x PK Silver Ace
1x Prince Graphite comp 90
1x Prince Original Graphite OS
1x Slazenger Panther Ceramic Pro
1x Yonex R22
1x Wilson Sting Mid
1x Head Graphite Edge

My plan is to reduce it further. The first step is to stop acquiring more!! Stop visiting thrift stores, used sport equipment stores, fleabay, TT for sales section, etc. The second step is keep playing with each racket for at least a week. The third step is to sell or donate the least favorite ones. I will keep the Panther, Head Graphite Edge, and Prince Spectrum for sure.

What is your process? Are you still collecting more or trying to cut down?


I am in the same boat as you.
I just cleaned my room and organized all my rackets today--took a while, but it's done. Anyhow, I plan on selling a lot of my rackets as i don't use most of them anymore and stick to my current pc600 and N95. Not sure which one i prefer more but i narrowed it down to those two.
I'll probably have a big list in the classifieds tomorrow. Having too many rackets around is really distracting me from concentrating on one or a few :) Lol
I am in the same boat as you.
I just cleaned my room and organized all my rackets today--took a while, but it's done. Anyhow, I plan on selling a lot of my rackets as i don't use most of them anymore and stick to my current pc600 and N95. Not sure which one i prefer more but i narrowed it down to those two.
I'll probably have a big list in the classifieds tomorrow. Having too many rackets around is really distracting me from concentrating on one or a few :) Lol

I just cleaned up my closet too but I just bought 2 more racquets from fl**** last night...and I said to myself "ok this is the last time". I need to stop but anyway looking forward for your classifieds tomorrow...oh no, not again!!!


If you want to quite then you come to the wrong place. If you were an alcoholic you wouldn't go to the liquor store saying that you needed to quite.



C'mon ... racket collection is like Hotel California:

"You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave."


Sawadee, I'm jewish but practice Kbach Khun Khmer (original Thai Boxing) and have genuinely researched this 1,100 year old art (food, Thai/Khmer customs/ dress/ language/ tribes/ beleifs/ music/ceremony, techniques, etc, and trained at some of the toughest camps in Siam. My problem is worse than the OP (ten times worse as I own 120 sticks and live in a tiny apartment)....I managed to control my compulsive racquet collecting though finally. For a time it was an opponent who was beating me....I really don't know why, it got to the point where racquets would come in every day....why??? is anyone here a psychiatrist, witch doctor, etc.? why did I go through this obsessive period last year? I guess I am a perfectionist and artist who thinks too much, it's still highly irrational and abnormal behavior, not collecting, but the obsessive way I collected, like DeNiro in Taxi Driver with his stupid hand over the flame...
sometimes I show an enlightened side, a childishness which is to be envied, at times I am Ralph Ellisons invisible man, and the racquets are my lightbulbs, are they my way of deceiving myself...obviously....but my world is not cold and hardened like the invisible man, or travis from Taxi heart beats warm...

"I dont believe someone should be obsessed with themselves, I believe someone should be a person, like other people, I first saw her at Palentine headquarters...'
Travis Plasma


Sawadee, I'm jewish but practice Kbach Khun Khmer (original Thai Boxing) and have genuinely researched this 1,100 year old art (food, Thai/Khmer customs/ dress/ language/ tribes/ beleifs/ music/ceremony, techniques, etc, and trained at some of the toughest camps in Siam. My problem is worse than the OP (ten times worse as I own 120 sticks and live in a tiny apartment)....I managed to control my compulsive racquet collecting though finally. For a time it was an opponent who was beating me....I really don't know why, it got to the point where racquets would come in every day....why??? is anyone here a psychiatrist, witch doctor, etc.? why did I go through this obsessive period last year? I guess I am a perfectionist and artist who thinks too much, it's still highly irrational and abnormal behavior, not collecting, but the obsessive way I collected, like DeNiro in Taxi Driver with his stupid hand over the flame...
sometimes I show an enlightened side, a childishness which is to be envied, at times I am Ralph Ellisons invisible man, and the racquets are my lightbulbs, are they my way of deceiving myself...obviously....but my world is not cold and hardened like the invisible man, or travis from Taxi heart beats warm...

"I dont believe someone should be obsessed with themselves, I believe someone should be a person, like other people, I first saw her at Palentine headquarters...'
Travis Plasma


Hey Plaz, I didn't know you are a kung fu master! So did you go thru vigorous traininings perfecting the drunken monkey style in a little monastery, eating rice and soup #5 with the rest of the shaolin monks??


Wonder what got you started to fight sports..perhaps, being a skinny kid, was it that rude fat kid in the elemantary? :) And you decided to show him the end of the world after trainings with your master?


Hall of Fame
Still heavily far I have:

4 x AG300 (2 being used by my son)
2 x nBlade 98
2 x 200G Muscle Weave
1 x 200G Muscle Weave TP95
1 x FXP Redical Team
1 x Donnay Pro-One 95

I also have a currently winning bid on another racket which has only a few minutes left. Two years ago I had one racket and was happy with my lot. It's a slippery slope.


Hall of Fame
Still heavily far I have:

4 x AG300 (2 being used by my son)
2 x nBlade 98
2 x 200G Muscle Weave
1 x 200G Muscle Weave TP95
1 x FXP Redical Team
1 x Donnay Pro-One 95

I also have a currently winning bid on another racket which has only a few minutes left. Two years ago I had one racket and was happy with my lot. It's a slippery slope.

Just got another...Dunlop 200G Muscle Weave bought for £21 ($31) including shipping. Very good condition...couldn't resist!

Dave M

Hall of Fame
Still heavily far I have:

Two years ago I had one racket and was happy with my lot. It's a slippery slope.

Couldn't agree more with that statement, sitiing around me right now have 4 brand new and 2 that i hve been trying head satellite tours, only a handfull of weeks ago i sold all but 2 racets, that was it i thought no more impulse purchases, now what to do with these?!?!:-?


GymRat: I wish that Drunken Monkey was my style, it's so beautiful and embodies the deadly, playful, acrobatic, artistic, and rare dyonissian nature of traditional Chinese Kung fu. No I practice a deadly but rather plain internal (slow motion old person) style. I can kick people through walls but prefer to gently train beginners, poor kids I see on the street getting their ass whooped, my ladies, etc...

I beat the bully, became the bully, beat myself, returned to my gentle humble fallafel-genius nature. My heart is full of love for all people. My mind has transcended 95 square inch falsehoods and temptations of spin potential. My 85 square inch blood pumps kevlar and hummus. Bring $1,200 and meet me at the courts, my rent's almost due!!!


New User
Adidas Gtx Pro-t

I have managed to limit my collection to 12 rackets:
2x Prince Spectrum
2x Wilson Matrix Mid
2x PK Silver Ace
1x Prince Graphite comp 90
1x Prince Original Graphite OS
1x Slazenger Panther Ceramic Pro
1x Yonex R22
1x Wilson Sting Mid
1x Head Graphite Edge

My plan is to reduce it further. The first step is to stop acquiring more!! Stop visiting thrift stores, used sport equipment stores, fleabay, TT for sales section, etc. The second step is keep playing with each racket for at least a week. The third step is to sell or donate the least favorite ones. I will keep the Panther, Head Graphite Edge, and Prince Spectrum for sure.

What is your process? Are you still collecting more or trying to cut down?

Do you still have the Adidas gtx pro t? I'LL take it off your hands, I'm looking for one Bruno Hau told me he sold you some. email me at


Glad to know I am not the one who racquet issues.

I was feeling a little retro tonight and played with and two older model racquets and was amazed how good they compare to the new racquets on the market.
I personally don't play any better with new technology.


I stopped buying racquets obsessively and went to the wine bar instead. How would my popularity amongst vintage racquets translate to people??? A rich blonde lady started buying me drinks, drinks turned into expensive jackets and racquets, plants and other things, everyday, at my door (true story). Next I am told that we are moving abroad (to a carefree $10 million dollar life of paradise) and I am to be the father of 3 adopted mini-plasmas! At the end of the day it was all bull$hit...she wanted to taste the fallafel without paying for it.

Now I'm poor and lonely again...back to my racquets, they have pure souls and will listen without judgement. Their precious world is not **** stained with the dishonest impermanence of money, status and competition. The midsize exists in our world, and simultaneously in its own loving state of tiemless perfection: celebrating Dionysus beating Apollo 6-1, 6-0. I didn't choose my racquets...they chose me!!
Sawadee krub! Nice "to meet" another Thai on this board. I've never been to the US though ... ;) There are quite a number of Thais here ...

Same here! I've been in US for almost 30 years and only went back to Thailand once about 5 years ago. I went during Thai newyear and the heat was very intense. Thaifood in Thailand is the best compare to here in the US. Is it pretty easy to get a nice older graphite racquets from the80's in Thailand? PK Redondo mid is next on my list to try out. I had PK Redondo midplus before but now from reading all the great reviews I want to try mid size...Let's an addiction begin...again!!!
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Sawadee, I'm jewish but practice Kbach Khun Khmer (original Thai Boxing) and have genuinely researched this 1,100 year old art (food, Thai/Khmer customs/ dress/ language/ tribes/ beleifs/ music/ceremony, techniques, etc, and trained at some of the toughest camps in Siam. My problem is worse than the OP (ten times worse as I own 120 sticks and live in a tiny apartment)....I managed to control my compulsive racquet collecting though finally. For a time it was an opponent who was beating me....I really don't know why, it got to the point where racquets would come in every day....why??? is anyone here a psychiatrist, witch doctor, etc.? why did I go through this obsessive period last year? I guess I am a perfectionist and artist who thinks too much, it's still highly irrational and abnormal behavior, not collecting, but the obsessive way I collected, like DeNiro in Taxi Driver with his stupid hand over the flame...
sometimes I show an enlightened side, a childishness which is to be envied, at times I am Ralph Ellisons invisible man, and the racquets are my lightbulbs, are they my way of deceiving myself...obviously....but my world is not cold and hardened like the invisible man, or travis from Taxi heart beats warm...

"I dont believe someone should be obsessed with themselves, I believe someone should be a person, like other people, I first saw her at Palentine headquarters...'
Travis Plasma

There is nothing like a jewish man with a Thai boxing background. I'll stay on your good side...


I love tempting "reformed" rackaholics like Tennis Man, back into the game for another hit. Photos of Tennis Man's collection used to be a big deal around here. As I am a visual type he inspired me to collect. The respect he got (and deserved) for his wall was amazing. No way he could be anything but high level player (5.0+)with his passion for players racquets, jumbo racquet, and stringer...

as for staying on my good side, Mr. Choice... I am a very humble and friendly happy person, from an early age I was taught not to walk around like a fighter or martial arts geek... before juicy tahtahs and cervecas tonight, Plasma sparred some big gorilla 8 rounds, not because I am some brute...but rather boxing is a way of thinking, transcending oneself and expressing talent and solving problems spatially and emotionally. I often feel like a new human after boxing, completely detached from any agression, in a frighteningly and extatically transcendent state of seeing myself honestly and lovingly. I don't box because of violence, I have less anger and violence in my soul than anyone you will ever meet (k.o.ed all inner demons after spying on them in training camp), I just happen to know how to literally rip your heart out and have it beating in my palm (lol, ouch, hurts when I laugh), now have a beer and enjoy watching the girls, they are about to be wisked away by some real sweet rips off the plasma chalice...
hotel,motel, holiday Inn, Plasma holds his liquor like Johnny FRIGGIN cash and snags phillies like Iceberg Slim!!!


now it's only PS 85 St Vincent and Head Edge/Pro/Prestige series ...

Does that mean your tennis room with your racket walls is no longer?

I honestly don't know how many rackets I have right now. I just never counted. 6 of one model here, another 6 of that model there.....a couple of those.....three of those mids.....some oversizes.....not to mention that batch of 24 frames I got at a garage sale.......wooden rackets from the 80s.......wooden rackets from the early 1900s....a drop weight stringing machine.....a 2 point crank......string stash of orange overgrip.

Even my "racket quiz" thread of 13 princes from a while back is separate from all that.....and I've acquired more Princes since then.

Nothing super expensive, I try to score deals when I can (i.e. $25 for the Tenex 4000 stringing machine - although I spent another $100 on clamps), I'm sure in total it's added up. I've refused to spend more than "new" prices on any single the going rate for SV PS85s on e-bay, for example. I've even bought my kPS88s used.

I do go to thrift stores and used sporting goods shops......just when I was feeling like the deals were drying up, last week I bought a couple of decent frames for decent prices. A Wilson Jack Kramer Autograph, a medium-light Professional Select model in 4 3/8 grip for $4 and a bumperless St. Vincent Wilson Pro Staff Midsize in 4 1/4 grip size for $10.

It's deals like those that keep me out looking.


thrift stores are like chicks, if you try to score all the time you'll waste your time and get nothing, wheras if you just take your time and politely yet honestly show no desperation, you wind up getting the sweet reward....let's see pics of YOUR score...the dark island girl with the skinny she bumperless???


Hall of Fame
I do go to thrift stores and used sporting goods shops......just when I was feeling like the deals were drying up, last week I bought a couple of decent frames for decent prices. A Wilson Jack Kramer Autograph, a medium-light Professional Select model in 4 3/8 grip for $4 and a bumperless St. Vincent Wilson Pro Staff Midsize in 4 1/4 grip size for $10.
Deals like these will definitely keep you hooked.


Hall of Fame
Thus far, I'm fortunate my collection is very minimal and without noticing until reading this thread, pretty much dominated by that which has always seemed to let the marketing dollars flow freely....that crazy red W.

Jack Kramer Autographed
T2000 x2
Hammer 6.2 OS x2

Prince Mono

...and depending on the outcome of my game with it, I'm expecting the KPS 88 to join the wall...but not until well after copius play testing and string experimentation.


This is my collection. Sometimes I go for months without adding to it. I am thinking about having an exhibition of them along with relevent articles, ads etc. I live in a small town in Victoria Australia and I think it will be a good way to promote interest in tennis here. These have been obtained from garage sales, thrift shops and **** to fill some gaps.

Vim Model M 1915
Spalding Krobat 1920
Spalding Lakeside 1924
Harry C Lee 1920s
Alexander Cressy Perfect 1940s
Wilson Ellsworth Vines
Wright Ditson Davis Cup
Wright Distson All American
Dunlop Match Point 1950s
Wilson Jack Kramer Autograph
Slazenger Ken Rosewall
Slazenger Royal Crown
Spalding WCT

Slazenger Jupiter
Spalding Gonzales
Spalding Ashley Cooper Professional
Slazenger Vilas International
Dunlop Maxply Fort
Dunlop Maxply International
Wilson T2000 x 2
Rawlings Tie Breaker
Head Professional
Head Ashe Comp
Head Ashe Comp 2
Head Ashe Comp 3
Head Vilas x 2
Head XRC x2
Oliver Tournament
Slazenger Jupiter
Spalding Davis Cup
Bancroft Borg Autograph
Dunlop Maxply Graphite
Dunlop Tournament Graphite
Dunlop Fort Graphite
Dunlop Maxply McEnroe
Dunlop Max 200G
Dunlop McEnroe Autograph
Donnay Pro? ( looks just like a Borg Pro )
Slazenger Black Panther
Slazenger Challenge
Wilson Chris Evert Autograph
Snauweart Gerulaitis Champion
Rossignol R40 s
Stella Classic
Pro Kennex Copper Ace
Pro Kennex Micro Control (27x22)
Josan Macro 301 (13x12)
Wilson American Ace
Emrik Blitz
Dunlop McEnroe Mid Metal
Prince Precision 90
Prince Sonar
Wilson Profile 3.6 si
Head Orion
Wilson Ncode Nvision
Dunlop Rafter Pro SS
Head Radical O.S. Agassi Ltd Ed
Prince Air Rage
and a few more in the shed

I am constantly trying to stop myself from letting it get out of control.


Hall of Fame

quite a collection. An exhibit sounds like a neat idea. How about creating a mini museum of rackets?


If i had the space I would. Storage is a problem particularly with the woods, cant put them in a shed through winter. Perhaps one day a museum would be good. Does any one have any info on the Donnay Pro. Throat says 'Made in Belgium by the worlds largest manufacturer of tennis rackets'. Looks like a Borg only with the word' Borg' blacked out. Could it be a fake Donnay?


could it be a prostock Borg Pro used by Bear Castle himself? He had a simultaneous us contract with Bancroft which he used while in the US. Could we see pics pls?


when i work out how to post a pick i will do so. it was living in a cupboard in sydney for many years. i bought from a woman who doesn't know anything about it


fyi. i think borg only came to australia once in 80 or 81. he played a million dollar series of 3 exhibition matches against j mac. if i remember correctly borg one the series 2-1 and got stacks of cash and a full scale diamond encrusted gold racquet. When i was playing tennis comp in melbourne in the 80's i dont recall seeing anyone swinging a borg pro. The donnay pro i have has hardly been used


i hear you about the space thing, I honestly don't have the space to house my collection, let's see those matched xrc's,pls!!!!! I used to take my xrc to the Macabiah in Israel every summer, when I was a plasma-child.


dear plasma, i am no computer black belt. will try to post some pics - only dont hold your breath as i am not making much progress. i will try the photo bucket thing

Tennis Man

Hall of Fame
Does that mean your tennis room with your racket walls is no longer?

The wall is still there covered with PS 85s and beautiful Head mids. I'm a 5.0 player and play exclusively with PS 85 St Vincent. Every time I switch to K90 or KPS 88 I end up switching back. There is no racquet that gives me more cotrol and satisfaction, I'm in love with the black Caribbean princess :).

Tennis Man

Hall of Fame
I love tempting "reformed" rackaholics like Tennis Man, back into the game for another hit. Photos of Tennis Man's collection used to be a big deal around here. As I am a visual type he inspired me to collect. The respect he got (and deserved) for his wall was amazing. No way he could be anything but high level player (5.0+)with his passion for players racquets, jumbo racquet, and stringer...

Thanks plasma for the kind words. It's never late to stock up on the demanding classic beauties and learn to play old school tennis. After all players like Sampras and Federer will always prevail.
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Hall of Fame
If i had the space I would. Storage is a problem particularly with the woods, cant put them in a shed through winter. Perhaps one day a museum would be good. Does any one have any info on the Donnay Pro. Throat says 'Made in Belgium by the worlds largest manufacturer of tennis rackets'. Looks like a Borg only with the word' Borg' blacked out. Could it be a fake Donnay?

Great looking collection you have there:)

I've seen these Donnay "No Borg" Pro's before quite a few times. I think they are genuine, maybe a later version of the racquet? Although they may be fake, does anyone know for sure? I have a tennis bag exactly the same, i.e without the Borg anywhere on it, otherwise exactly the same as a Borg Pro:):)


Thanks Jimbo. I have had a close look at the Donnay and it seems to be too well made and finished to be a fake.
I wonder if they were made or released after Borg retired and his contract had ended, Might check some of my old books to see if i can find a possible answer.


Uh oh guys, I think this site brainwashed me. I joined these forums 2 years ago with just a question and 2 rackets. Now, I've got 6, and I am now visiting thrift shops and garage sales. I'm only 17.


hi Dnl, 17 is a great age, I was 17, 17 years ago.
Here are 5 things I wish I did
#1 married or stayed with my highschool sweatheart ( better than countless other models demoed for sure)
#2 stayed in touch with 20-30 friends
#3 gone to state school only
#4 madonna
#5 acrobatics or gymnastics

besides your 2 blades what are your other racquets? Make sure to plan your life so that in the future every day can be as valuable as a new St. Vincents. Your string tension suggests that future careers for you might be a rockstar or politician. How do you handle power hitters with that trampoline tension???


Hall of Fame
Here are 5 things I wish I did
#1 married or stayed with my highschool sweatheart ( better than countless other models demoed for sure)
#2 stayed in touch with 20-30 friends
#3 gone to state school only
#4 madonna
#5 acrobatics or gymnastics
All are great ideas except for #4.