arm pain

  1. B

    Upper arm pain (not elbow)

    I have a nagging problem with my upper arm. The bone under the triceps muscle and the triceps muscle itself is getting microtears and bone pain (at least feels to me it is the bone) after hitting with certain stiffer racquets but sometimes it can happen even with a softer racquet. The injury...
  2. S

    Arm Pain ( Weird location )

    Hello, I am a 4.5 player and I've been dealing with this pain for over a year now, it flares up when I play 2 days in a row for example, and completely disappears after a one week rest. My forehand form could be better ( if I hit more cleanly it doesn't cause as much Pain) I tried playing...
  3. M

    Tennis Elbow - Biceps Pain during Serve

    Dear All, This is the first thread i'm posting in this Forum and i hope i'll be as much clear and straight forward regarding my issue. First of all, thank you all for your time and appreciate your future help and advice on this matter. I'm 28 years old. Played tennis during 10 years, and...
  4. Rudi Bergner

    Dead string?

    Hello everyone, I’ve posted before about this problem, and it keeps happening. my Raquet isn’t right, and it’s the strings. I’ve been feeling the stringbed very muted for maybe an year now. my arm suffers all over, lately I was getting used to the stiffer feeling of the string job no matter...
  5. Rudi Bergner

    What’s wrong with the string job!!?

    Hi, I’ve been with arm problems due to a bad string job that I can’t figure why. My stringer strings like 200/300 Rackets a mounth, for national athletes mainly, but in the past few months I feel that it makes a lot of pressure in my arm, the strings feel dead and like a thick rock wall. ( some...
  6. Rudi Bergner

    Choosing a new racket! (Problem with the actual gear)

    I’m searching for a new stick. I’ll tell you the back story. Until November 2019 I was playing with a Dunlop force 98 (the orange one) In August I Changed the original grip with a leather grip (the tennis wharehouse one actually), and it felt really good, I got that feel I had when I used to...