Blockbuster Movie You Thought Stunk That Everyone Else Thought Was Great


I only watched the first 20 mins of District9 couldn't bear any longer.It was like a bad farce that movie.

I'm suprised though that so many disliked Dark Knight.I thought it was a brilliant movie.Then again I'm a comic fan and I love Christian Bale so..:/


Hall of Fame
I was half asleep by the time I finished watching Benjamin Button. It was an interesting idea that was just dragged on for 3 hours and didn't seem to have a point in the end.
Inglorious *******s was massively over-hyped
Don't quite understand the Dark Knight or District 9 criticisms...we're talking blockbusters here...those movies were both pretty amazingly creative and well done...
The Dark Knight - Most overrated movie of all time

Slumdog Millionaire - This movie just sucked

Master and Commander - two cool 10 minute fight scenes and three hours of nothing in between

Will Ferrel Movies - All of them (except for Step Brothers) are awful if he's the lead actor, I don't mind him in a non lead role (e.g. Wedding Crashers)

Superbad - Most overrated comedy of all time

It's a Wonderful Life - I don't know how people can sit through this without killing themselves

Just out of curiousity...what movies do you like? As that's a pretty interesting list of movies to not like...


Also have to add Paranormal Activity to this one. Both were very far from being good movies.

The same people who told me "Blair Witch Project" was so great were also telling me the same thing about "Paranormal Activity", which is why I didn't bother to see it.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the last three "Star Wars" movies.


The Hangover.

I know I'm in the minority on this one. My husband and I finally watched the DVD over Christmas and laughed maybe twice in the whole thing. The pictures during the end credits were amusing (except for the elevator one).



How is Titanic in this thread???? it ruled!!:shock: Kate winslet should have shared the damn piece of wood though....Leo wouldn't have died!!:evil: