Donnay Pro Cynetic 1 - how close to a Wilson PS85?


Hey guys,

I just bought a very good Donnay Pro Cynetic 1 off the bay, and I have a question or two about it. I know the racquet looks like a Wilson 85 model, just without PWS, and I know Donnay made a few PS85s for Wilson, but how close is this racquet to a PS85?

Also, what are the specs? I've seen the Bosworth-tuned model for Jimmy Arias, but what's a production/consumer model's specs?

Finally, what's anyone's playing opinion on the racquet? I play with both PS85s and the Hyper Carbon Pro Staff Tour 90, but how does the Donnay play? I'd like to get another based on the feel I have just air swinging it, but with enough PS85s and PS90s in my bag, is it worth it?



Hall of Fame
I personally like the Donnay better than the St. Vincent ProStaff mid. The flex feels pretty similar to my arm, but I think the response off the string bed of the Donnay is a little more even and forgiving.