Donnay Racquet Selector


If I were to buy a new Donnay, I'd buy the Dark Red 94, because it's the heaviest and flexiest open string pattern racquet Donnay offers. Funny thing though, no matter what info I enter into the Donnay Racquet Selector, even the specs for the Dark Red itself, they won't suggest it to me. They keep pushing the plain old Red on me, or sometimes the Blue. It's become a game to me now. There must be a way to win the Dark Red. Has anyone else had any luck?


New User
i got it on the first try. my choices were male, adult, intermediate, mid-size, all court, moderate spin , moderate power, maximum control.


Interesting. I did like you said and it worked, but when I chose 'advanced' instead of 'intermediate', it suggested Blue and Red.

Now why would Donnay suggest a heavier and more flexible racquet to an intermediate and not an advanced player?