extreme semi-western grip?


Okay so basically I use a grip that is between a semi-western and a full western forehand grip and was wondering what i should call this grip? An extreme semi-western grip? I'm just wondering what i should call it because I'm tired of saying that I use a grip that is between a semi and a full western grip. BTW does anyone else use this grip?


Okay so basically I use a grip that is between a semi-western and a full western forehand grip and was wondering what i should call this grip? An extreme semi-western grip? I'm just wondering what i should call it because I'm tired of saying that I use a grip that is between a semi and a full western grip. BTW does anyone else use this grip?

Heh, I made the exact same topic last night (with pictures). People have called it a mild western grip or extreme semi-western. No real name for it I guess.


EXTREME SEMI-WESTERN just sounds like a mouth-full. Mild Western sounds better...cleaner...you know?

Hmm.. you do have a point haha i think ill call it a mild western instead it sounds much more subtle and yeah extreme SW IS a mouth full

Hot Sauce

Hall of Fame
Well mid and semi are interchangeable, so that wouldn't work. I'd go with the extreme-semi-mid.west-southwest-chipotle grip.

If semi-western represents 50% of western, and full western obviously represents 100% western, then we will be forced to call this in between grip the "75 western". I LIKE IT!