Head LM Prestige Mid-plus VS Dunlop MW 200G


New User
Can anyone compare these 2 racquets ...
Head LM Prestige Mid-plus VS Dunlop MW 200G

I'm looking to string them at low tension, below 52lbs.
Both has dense string pattern and flexible.

What are the difference between the 2 racquets?
Which is more forgiving and more powerful?

Thank you.


I have only limited experience with both racquet. So here goes.

I do not know why but personlly,i feel that the Head LM prestige mid+ is much more flexible than the Dunlop MW 200G. And the string bed of the Head Prestigeis feel much softer than the 200G.

I also feel that the Head LM Prestige mid+ has a bigger sweet spot and more powerful.