Head size of a raquet...


Im not sure what headsize racquet i should get..
I really like the k-blade tour (93sq) because of its appearance and attractivness.

I love the yonex rqis 1 tour (95sq) because i had a 95sq racquet and there great .

Or the k blade 98 (98sq) because 98sq is a great headsize and i like it alot.

add comments if you wish.


Hall of Fame
Im not sure what headsize racquet i should get..
I really like the k-blade tour (93sq) because of its appearance and attractivness.

I love the yonex rqis 1 tour (95sq) because i had a 95sq racquet and there great .

Or the k blade 98 (98sq) because 98sq is a great headsize and i like it alot.

add comments if you wish.

You just said the K blade 98 is a great headsize so thats the one you should get.


Hall of Fame
Do not choose your racket based on head size. You should choose your racket based on how you play with the racket. Head size is a mere number. Some companies measure from the outside of the frame while some measure the actual string bed. Therefore not all head sizes are the same.
So what I would say, choose which ever racket you play the best with.


you should try all 3 and pick the one with the best paint job/play ability the reason i say paint job first is because the color of your racquet is very important. if you like the way something looks you will certainty like the way it plays. i think at least 40% of tennis is all mental 50% is talent and 10% is physical. so yea pick your favorite and put your favorite strings on it.


Good deal, I always ask because it's a mortal sin to buy a racquet without trying it first! I would probably go with the Kblade 98 myself, enjoy racquets with a larger headsize as I play with an OS myself. I used to play with an I.radical MP which is similar to the Kblade.

fuzz nation

I've been amazed by a 93 sq. inch racquet that felt like I couldn't miss the sweetspot with any swing I took at the ball and also been frustrated by a 98 sq. inch frame that seemed to have had the sweetspot surgically removed. I don't think that the exact size matters too much - the one that fits your swing the best will "reveal itself to you" when you play with it.

Have a blast with those test drives. One caution when you first try them - try to go from the heavier one first to the lighter ones. I find that it's easier to swap them that way instead of trying to change my timing to deal with a heavier frame after I've warmed in with a lighter one.