My tennis practice video, please analyze...


nice strokes, on the backhand i hit with a bit more knee bend but i do use a one handed backhand, and i know nothing about the two hander, so i dont know if same principles apply.

very nice strokes though :)


Man your backhand is smooth as heck!
I like it mucho mucho
Your leg bend is good enough, you dont want to be squating for a shot hehe.


It could be the angle of the video, but I agree with Ferr that you need to bend your knee a little more. Some shots looked high. Did you get all the shots the way you wanted which aren't many in the clip?


i like your strokes alot. very fluid.

although i have to say the main things that lack are knee bend.
and seriously, if you're going to use a ball machine, still try to move your feet.

or put your ball on machine on random feed, because it will only make you feel like you know where the ball is going all the time, and then realize in a match

"hey, why isn't the ball coming towards me?"
Thank you for the input, guys...

Looks like most of you agree on knee bending, I will be practicing today and will work on my knees.

I usually practice my groundies with my partner, not ballmachine. The reason I did this video is, rally will go on without stopping, so that I could see my strokes. But anyways, Herosol, you are absolutely right, ballmachine type hitting won't get me anywhere during the match.

And thanks for the compliment!


Hall of Fame
I wud say 1.0 at the best !!

i am kidding. nice strokes. Great backhand. If i only i could get a backhand like that.