Pronation on a Top Spin Serve???


If I am to brush up against the back of the ball from 4 o'clock to 11 or some variation...How and when does pronation occur, if it is to occur with a topsin serve? I am assuming that you'd be using either an EBH for Continental grip. Thanks in advance for input.


adamvann said:
If I am to brush up against the back of the ball from 4 o'clock to 11 or some variation...How and when does pronation occur, if it is to occur with a topsin serve? I am assuming that you'd be using either an EBH for Continental grip. Thanks in advance for input.
4 to 11? Are you another one of those opposite spin guys or are you left handed? I hope you're a lefty because if you're right handed and hitting from 4 to 11, you're gonna hurt yourself.


You didn't have to make another thread, you could have kept this one alive. Yes, you do pronate on a topspin serve. The pronation on the TS serve is what gives you the good followthrough.


adamvann said:
If I am to brush up against the back of the ball from 4 o'clock to 11 or some variation...How and when does pronation occur, if it is to occur with a topsin serve? I am assuming that you'd be using either an EBH for Continental grip. Thanks in advance for input.
Topspin serve - dead easy.
* use Continental grip or even an Eastern backhand grip
* ball tossed more to your left and behind your head
* racquet face brushes up and across the ball from 7 or 8 o'clock to 1 or 2 o'clock in a 'windscreen-wiper' type motion (I usually try to aim the racquet toward the right0hand netpost)

* same as above but racquet face brushes up and across the ball from 4 or 5 o'clock to 10 or 11 o'clock.

Pronation should occur naturally without you knowing that much about it.


^I think I have read it before. One thing that still perplexes me is that should I strike the ball at the peak of my reach, or a lil bit below my strike zone?

Bungalo Bill

mistapooh said:
^I think I have read it before. One thing that still perplexes me is that should I strike the ball at the peak of my reach, or a lil bit below my strike zone?

You should always extend on all serves. The second serve will probably be hit with a slightly bent arm but it is not your goal to get it like that. Let that happen naturally do to the toss and the swing path. But in your mind you want to extend. Extension helps promote acceleration and does not short circuit the serve motion.