Specs/info on my old racquet: Prince Graphite Comp XB OS




I have been using an old racquet (about 15 years old). It is Prince racquet, called a "Graphite Comp XB Oversize". It looks like a 110 sq inch, and is 16 main/19 cross string pattern. It is a purple/grey racquet, with a matching (grey with purple letters) full-length cover.

Other than that, I could not find any specs or info on the racquet. I would be curious if anyone knew any more info about it, and what type of tennis player it is suitable for.

Here's a pic of it:

Thank you very much!


Well, I borrowed a scale yesterday and did some measurements on it.
It seems to be around 4-5 pts headlight, and weighs in at just over 12 ounces (strung). Those specs look pretty close to a POG.

Anyway, just curious if anyone knows any more about this racquet? I am a low-level/recreational player that is trying to pick up the racquet again after over a decade of not playing, and wondering if this is a suitable racquet to learn on? Thanks again!