Vitamin water replacing regular water?



So lately, all I've been drinking is Vitamin water (Formula 50 to be precise). Now, what I want to know is that can you actually benefit from drinking vitamin water? I've heard that you can't get vitamins via liquids. Also, it's been a week since I've had any real pure straight-up H2O, I've just been drinking Vitamin water, could this be bad for my health? I mean, it has vitamins in it and stuff...but it's also 50cal per serving.

What're your thoughts?
Nothing Will Ever Replace H2O

All the sports/energy drinks offer some magical elixir and some even offer a benefit but nothing will replace water. Water replenishes so much of what your body needs and does it naturally. The downside I see to a lot of the sports drinks is that they leave me thirsty whereas water never does that to me.:mrgreen:


I'm sure that you can get some vitamins through liquids, but in most cases, quality food is the preferred way of getting vitamins(I admit that I take some vitamin pills). For instance, whole fruit is going to be better for you than fruit juice.

Water is cheaper than vitamin water. So, if you like to drink the stuff, I'd advise just drinking less. Have a glass or two of water when you wake up in the morning. It'll help rehydrate you after sleeping for eight hours or so without having anything to drink. Drink water half the time and you'll save yourself some money.


Also don't forget that your tap water probably contains fluoride and vitamin water (as all bottled waters) probably doesn't.


Vitamin Water is terrible for your teeth. It contains a lot of citric acid. If you're going to drink a lot of it, brush very often! Mix in regular water when you can, your teeth will thank you.




If you are talking about Glaceau Vitamin Water, yes it has 50 cal per serving, but who drinks just 8 ounces of it? The 20 ounce bottle contains 150 calories, which is sort of comparable to a 12 ounce soda. It does have citric acid and a fair amount of sugar. I drink this in place of soda because soda is just gross and makes me feel heavy. I also prefer this to gatorade because to me that's just syrupy and it has even more sugar.

Vitamin Water is not a good replacement for plain old water. If you live in the US, your tap water should be just fine but if you are worried about it, call your water company and get the annual report. You can always run it through a filter or drop a bit of fruit in the glass/bottle to improve the taste if you need to. I refuse to buy bottled water ever again (most of it is just tap water anyway), I just use a rubbermaid reusable bottle and carry my own.


Tap water has more safeguards than bottled water. Recall the Perrier benzene fiasco years ago? Private water sources are likely to be on as little land as possible, whereas public water sources are usually surrounded by larger runoff areas purchased by the state and freer of residential or commercial development.


Vitamin Water's a nice little gimmick. That stuff doesn't even taste good. If you popped a multi with good old fashioned H2O, you'd get way more vitamins and minerals than in VW without the calories and a lot less $$$.


Hall of Fame
well i always drink some powerade or gatorade when i play tennis. if its water, i mix those propel things in. i can't just drink plain old water when i play. it doesn't rehydrate me no matter what amount i drink. it just goes straight to my bladder and i'm running to go to the bathroom


Vitamin Water's a nice little gimmick. That stuff doesn't even taste good. If you popped a multi with good old fashioned H2O, you'd get way more vitamins and minerals than in VW without the calories and a lot less $$$.

I don't drink it for the vitamins, and I would never waste my money on multi-vitamins. I drink it because I wanted a substitute for soda and gatorade, and I got used to the taste once I started reducing the amount of sugar in my diet. I choose Crystal Geyser Sparkling Water or Sparkling Juices, Vitamin Water, Newman's Grape Juice, or homemade Iced Tea. I strive to get my nutrition from real food.
Vitamin Water is the best sports drink on the market.

That said, Glaceau's premiere product is Smart Water. It's the best bottled water on the market, hands down.

Tap water should be avoided at all costs.


Some vitamins, once dissolved in water, do not last very long. Which means you will not get any benefit from those bottles that have been sitting on the store shelf for a long time.
Reminds me of the shampoos that advertise vitamins in their formulas -- hair and scalp unfortunately do not absorb vitamins. GI tract likewise has transport systems for vitamins that generally don't function in the absence of food.

Geezer Guy

Hall of Fame
Take a multi-vitamin and drink tap water. Vitamin-water is just a gimmick, as is bottled water in general - not to mention a waste of money, natural resources, and landfill space.


Hall of Fame
i love water, and only drink sports drinks when i am playing a sports or exercising (and even then i usually water down my gatorade). i don't think you should use vitamin water as a replacement for normal water. at least go 50-50 with it, or water down your vitamin water.


I was drinking RAIN vitamin water after and during games and my pee would be yellow from the excess vitamins...which I don't like because i want to ensure I am hydrated and yellow pee is a natural indicator that you are NOT...the vitamins washing out throws that off.

for tennis: gemme water and bagle and banana before...water during...and protein shake after...followed by sipping water during the evening..

keep it simple


andyroddick's mojo

At most I try to drink one vitamin water a day, usually drinking different flavors. Water always has, and most likely always will be, the best thing to drink if you are an athlete. Your muscles are made up of mostly water so it is important to drink clean, pure water. Eating nutrient rich foods is the best way to obtain vitamins
I find Vitamin Water is good at being a transport for creatine, if you're taking that. Otherwise, all the extra sugar is pointless. You can get vitamins elsewhere.