This exercise will kick your abs



When I work my abs, I usually do several exercises to add up to a total of 100 repetitions. However, doing just 10 full reps of these makes my abs feel like they were literally ripped apart. But really, after a few weeks you'll notice that your stomach is leaner. I fully endorse this product, and it only costs $15


Hall of Fame
If you spread your legs further apart for more balance you can actually make left and right turns, so that more pressure is put on the side abdominal muscles... whatever they're called -- the rib-cage muscles? On a right turn the pressure is on the left side, and on a left turn the pressure is on the right side of the rib-cage muscles. Another exercise with the wheel is hold the handles from the bottom-side of the handles, then, different muscle groups get effected: Do not go left and right with that though!
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New User
If you spread your legs further apart for more balance you can actually make left and right turns, so that more pressure is put on the side abdominal muscles... whatever they're called -- the rib-cage muscles? On a right turn the pressure is on the left side, and on a left turn the pressure is on the right side of the rib-cage muscles. Another exercise with the wheel is hold the handles from the bottom-side of the handles, then, different muscle groups get effected: Do not go left and right with that though!

Lol "rib cage muscles". :)

Pssssttt...try obliques.

I have a similar product, and it really does pack a punch in your gut

Deleted member 25923

Do you really want to tear your abs apart? Do these

Rotational Crunches
Core rotation
plank walk ups.

The plank walk ups I do are every time you push up, you do it with alternating arms first, and then I do 4 on each arm.


Hall of Fame
Well yeah, you obviously need to use proper technique if you don't want to get hurt. That means keeping your back straight, I think.
Most instructione suggest for you to do a pelvic tuck, and quit if that position breaks. I read on another site that dancers get back problems from overemphasizing this position. So, I 'm not too sure about the safety of this exercise even with the recommended form. It is a great exercise, but if you are injured, forget it. I used to do weighted decline situps, and found that after putting fifty pounds on my chest significant stress on my spine occured. I felt the same thing when using the wheel sometimes. The reps weren't hard, just didn't feel right. I stick to doing situps with less than 45 pounds, and do body hollows. I might revisit the wheel, though.


When I work my abs, I usually do several exercises to add up to a total of 100 repetitions. However, doing just 10 full reps of these makes my abs feel like they were literally ripped apart.

That's because you are doing a new exercise that your body is not used to. But in a few weeks your body will adapt to it and you will feel that its effectiveness is not as great as you first thought.


Hall of Fame
If you mean rib cage muscles then you mean intercostals?

If you mean the _side_ of the abs, you mean obliques.

Ab wheels are pretty brutal


It's not a great exercise (or *the* ab exercise) ; shud be used only in conjunction with other modalities; can, for some users, present unrealistic demands on a compartment that is already fraught with vulnerability...

Good luck with that if you are in the wrong genetic/lived life too much/already have rec ab tears group (that & ab hyper extensions; another really bad idea from the *new* (<sic> old) paradigm thinkers)...
I've seen those, and I thought about getting one, but I also read how easy it is to get hurt in those. My favorite exersise is the plank, it hurts so bad, but it helps so much.


Hall of Fame
Even better than that wheel is the one this guy has come up with himself using a couple lawnmower wheels and a steel bar. I made the same ones using his method. They are more mobile and have a lot more potential in terms of different exercises

Check out his exercises. He's got some serious core strength.


When I work my abs, I usually do several exercises to add up to a total of 100 repetitions. However, doing just 10 full reps of these makes my abs feel like they were literally ripped apart. But really, after a few weeks you'll notice that your stomach is leaner. I fully endorse this product, and it only costs $15