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  • Hey! I was doing a bridge earlier just to try to see how my various arm muscles felt, and really they weren't too involved in the pushing up process. For me, the power feels more like it's from my legs/back lifting my hips up to the ceiling, then my arms just support my weight once i'm up there. Don't know if that helps (hopefully it doesn't confuse) but thought I'd share! :)
    good morning, i think what you said is very insightful, i just now was working on my bridge with that in mind. it seems that once i get up on the crown of my head and push up my hips and pelvis towards the ceiling it feel like it makes my arms feel even heavier and harder to push up. i still feel that if i am diligent and keep trying things slightly differnent (trial and error) that i will eventually get it. :)
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    Reactions: LJ92
    Yes you'll definitely get it!!
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