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  • So I think it might be interesting content for my channel to have a fun challenge and to see how it plays out. We can do a few things with the difference in levels.
    Most times I go in with a video idea and get something totally different. So I plan to shoot and get lucky with the content. I am out of New Rochelle and don't mind making a trip out to the island.
    Sounds good, let's figure it out. I'm getting over a couple of injuries but should be good to go in a couple weeks.

    You got it. Let me know.
    We talked a few years ago, my name is greg and we were talking about hitting at the omega institute , let me know if you ever make it up this way for a hit. gjtellz09@hotmail.com, it would be worth it for both of us. thanks
    Hey, I haven't taught up there in a couple of years, will mgs you if I'm ever in your area.
    Hey man, I don't know how to message you personally. So I'm just writing it here. If you can, please shoot me an email at lmhuy_lmhuy@yahoo.com. Saw you post for the adidas flash red (pink) pro hat, seems like you didn't like the quality. If you are willing to let it go, I'll be more than happy to buy it back from you.
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