> Also I note you were playing with the tension knob a bit. Were you just altering tension on certain strings?
Yes indeed, as I switch side a lot less than with a two-clamps machine, the frame is more bended at times, and this affects the evenness of tension.
So I found out that by adding/substracting a few half-Kilograms here and there, I can actually compensate very well and have nearly no work to do to equilibrate the mains (as I do at 10:25 in the video).
This is really for the fastidious stringer as I'm not even able to demonstrate that having a perfectly evenly tensioned frame is needed to play well, but I just can't help doing it !
The templates that I use to change tension on some mains are actually pasted in the Youtube video summary, just click on "more" to see them. Beware: it's in kilograms.
Also, I explained a lot of things with subtitles in the video, so you might want to enable them !