R R reini0100 Apr 27, 2015 http://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://i40.tinypic.com/208ck0p.jpg&imgrefurl=http://tt.tennis-warehouse.com/showthread.php?t%3D249048&h=852&w=646&tbnid=z2cGotP5B04ccM:&zoom=1&tbnh=99&tbnw=75&usg=__-HIYXFWAYFLN_Ahx11oD6B2fm0k=&docid=wNi5sRKlG1hxlM
R R reini0100 Apr 27, 2015 hi you talked with member Deuce about his white prince magnesium pro racket. do you have any contact information for me about to contact him? regards
hi you talked with member Deuce about his white prince magnesium pro racket. do you have any contact information for me about to contact him? regards