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  • In the zone (at least for me) Saturday won 6-1 6-2. Played well in a doubles loss 6-4 4-6 7-6 (7-3). My bud Ed hit nothing but winners!
    Played 90 minute 7-5 set that I lost. Played well but opponent played better. Happy with my play overall and I got some great exercise.
    Another Saturday with rain. No tennis outdoors today. Will play tomorrow. So annoying.
    Outdoors was a monsoon today so I played indoors. The wind gusts came indoors for a while it was so bad. Never had wind conditions indoors.
    Preparing for a major blizzard. Possible 18-24 inches here. No tennis unfortunately tomorrow.
    Best compliment for me on my second serve. My buddy told me it bounced so high and almost seemed to hit a pebble when it bounced to the side
    Played tennis 5:30 am on New Year's. Played well in all aspects. Great way to start the year!
    Played some singles and doubles today from 5:30 am to 9. I love going out to play tennis when it's dark. Even better when you play well!
    Played lousy last night. Couldn't miss this morning. Guess it took a while to get the rust off from not playing for 2 weeks.
    Practiced serving yesterday. Amazing how much better you can serve when you're not playing! LOL.
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    I serve great...until I wake up :D Biggest hole in my game, need to spend some time hitting serves after work but with the days getting shorter it's hard.
    I know exactly what you mean. Some days I can serve out of this world (for my group anyway) with decent speed and spin. Other days I may struggle to spin it in.
    I've only been regularly playing for a year, I have a just about passable serve but I use the wrong grip - when I try and use a continental grip I just can't get the ball in. Very frustrating
    Finished with the NYCC. Loved it as usual. Basically three of us lugged backpacks and geeked out for a few days. Vid games, authors etc.
    Going to New York Comic Con this weekend. I'm even giving up tennis to go. The geek in me overcomes the tennis player in me...for now!
    We often also check out tv show and movie screenings which are nice. We also check out new tech and new video games.
    My wife is always amused by the cosplay. That may be her favorite thing to see.
    You should definitely cosplay next year, your girls would appreciate it I'm sure ;)
    Trying to organize the schedule for my tennis league. To most it is a chore but I actually like it. Anything for tennis.
    Went to the tennis event with my wife and daughter. It was excellent but I did see the World's Grumpiest Tennis Player. He never smiles.
    No, just a guy who was even yelling at others during drills that they were in the wrong position! He thinks he's the world's greatest tennis player.
    Convinced my wife and my daughter to go to a tennis event on Sunday. Anything to get my daughter to exercise!
    Fell down in doubles. Bloodied left arm. Still played well. It's almost worth it. LOL.
    Played my favorite Sunday opponent. Long rally on first point exhausted me. I wondered if I would last! Barely did. Good rallies.
    Played 6:30 am Sunday for a few hours. Disappointed that my first singles opponent got hurt. He's terrific player. Got a friend to sub.
    Beaten 6-2 today by an excellent player. I actually thought I played fairly well. Couldn't put away those game points. Opponent was great.
    What were the differences in the match apart from not converting the game points?
    Trying to sneak in some indoor tennis tomorrow very early before a blizzard hits this area. Hopefully we won't have power outages.
    Just finished playing tennis with a good buddy. He ran me all over the place and punished me. It was fun though. I guess I'm a masochist.
    I just realized that somehow I am setting up schedules for four groups at times. How did that happen? LOL.
    Being the person who sets up the tennis schedule for several tennis groups can be so frustrating if you have high maintenance players.
    The Green Mile
    The Green Mile
    I hated it. I did it a few times on Club days, and would constantly be getting some moaning and b1tching from others, about their draws. And it was usually from weaker players complaining about playing with stronger players. How do you think they feel? Lol...
    Yup. I oversee 50+ players and if anybody complains I will immediately ask them if they want out of the league altogether.
    Being the people who set up the tennis schedule for several tennis groups can be so frustrating if you have high maintenance players.
    Hi PC1. Saw your message in Laver thread indicating you have a full list of Borg career matches. Can you share/email this list?
    Tennis is so unpredictable. Other day I was awful in losing 6-3. Today I hit the ball so well in winning 6-3 vs a better opponent.
    About to play doubles in a short time. Will attempt a new service form. I'll probably double fault 100 times today. LOL.
    Godspeed, sir. Play well (or I will start malicious threads about how terrible you are and how you would have a losing record against Federer peak4peak).
    Federer, that wimp. I'll make him cry. LOL.
    Would you be interested in a sub forum dedicated to analysis, statistics, theorising and systems/frameworks? Something that unites the minds of FPPT and GPPD as well as past and present players?
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