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  • Hello skraggle,
    I read that you know very well Volkl C-10 and Dunlop M-fil 200. Can you tell me which of these two frames you feel more precise in the directional control? There is a big difference between the two?
    Thanks and best regards!
    Happy to help out with copy for either your site or Facebook in trade for your expert handiwork.
    I'm still getting used to the new software on TT, as evidenced by my truncated post below.
    Just saw this today after I replied to your post earlier...sorry to have missed it for so long.

    Would love your help on writing copy for a web site. I would be happy to trade services for your expertise. Also I am looking to rename 1st Service Tennis to something that includes my name. Too many 1st Service Tennis shops etc out there! Let me know your thoughts.

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