Tips picking up ball machine balls on sloped court

The court has more slope than most. Most of the balls end up in a long line against the back fence. I've got a hopper that I can push down but it can't get them right up against the fence so I either bend down or scoot each one out with my foot or racquet. I was thinking about a plastic shovel or something? Anyone developed a quick (and inexpensive) way in a similar situation? I'd sure like to shave some time off of picking them up. Thanks


1. Swap sides with ball machine and hit up hill
2. Build a pen/enclosure to corral balls - materials cost plus assembly/disassembly necessary each time
3. Have kids

*In order of increasing cost + solution effort
1. Swap sides with ball machine and hit up hill
2. Build a pen/enclosure to corral balls - materials cost plus assembly/disassembly necessary each time
3. Have kids

*In order of increasing cost + solution effort
It's built so both ends slope from the service line to the fence for drainage. As far as enclosure I've tried putting down a tarp in a corner but it was still kind of a hassle shepherding the balls into it. Thanks for the reply.


Get a ball tube to your collection. for those against the fence. You can then empty the tube into the basket.

Or, use kids' swim noodles maybe for a ball boundary? Economical, light, flexible and may help to corral the balls away from the fence. Some balls will still get to the fence most likely.

Or, think of your current situation as an opportunity to add exercise and just pick up the balls. :)