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  1. B

    P. Angell TC95

    I've dealt with Paul for many years, I have more than 10 frames from him, every one excellent. Paul is always a pleasure to deal with, helpful but he cannot simple respond to every email he gets from everyone he runs the company on his own and his focus are the racquets and customers, yet he...
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    Looking for a player's racquet that flexes at the throat

    Yonex racquets are well known for having a flexy throat and stiffer head (but not all do, e.g. Ezone range doesn't)... I played with a few of the Yonex RDX range and they definitely are flexy in the throat and stiff head... either the RDX Mid (90") or MP (98") will suit your needs but may need a...
  3. B

    Rpm Team Vs. Lux 4g

    See I've used both in Wilson Steam 99S, and while I agree RPM Team is a great string, and it is soft for a poly, I think it can't handle high tensions... and the Steam 99S needs at least 58lbs, I've used it as high as 64lbs and it plays great. Personally I prefer 4G, it has better tension...
  4. B

    Wilson Steam 99S String Tension Poll

    Actually not really, flat-ish 2HBH, but I've a FH with a lot of top spin (a lot more than average)... though I do hit flat sometimes. I should have said though I've added 6g to the head and 18g to the handle so its probably a lot more powerful than stock, thus the higher tension.
  5. B

    18x20 - feels hard/dead.

    Agree with others, 18x20 needs at least 10% lower tension, preferably thinner gage string. I use to use 1.20mm RPM Team in my 95" 18x20 strung at 46lbs... now I use 1.30mm 4G strung at 64lbs in my Wilson 99S (16x15)!
  6. B

    Wilson Steam 105s and ISOSPEED 15L

    I use the 99S and had to goto 64lbs before I could control the ball (though I added 6g to the head)... so I can expect in the larger 105S yes you need to go pretty tight!
  7. B

    Wilson Steam 99S String Tension Poll

    Couldn't control the ball with anything less than 56lbs using Luxilon 4G 1.25mm, currently playing at 64lbs, will go a little higher on next restring.
  8. B

    Steam 99S and 105s users - now the hype is dying...

    I actually don't find string wear an issue though I only play doubles, also I've not played more than 15 sets with any one string-set... they start moving around after about 6 sets (@64lbs) but its not an issue.
  9. B

    Steam 99S and 105s users - now the hype is dying...

    I've been playing with the Steam 99s for about 3 months now and I do think this is an excellent frame... In stock form its pretty light feeling (but I am use to 370g) but surprisingly stable for such a light frame with so little string in it, Wilson have done a great job of stabilising the...
  10. B

    String causing issues - RPM Blast a good substitute?

    I find rpm blast soft for a poly but I string low at 44lbs... RPM Team is same but a little softer with less power.
  11. B

    Prestretch RPM Blast?

    Do not pre stretch poly... I tried it and the string lost all of its elasticity. Also don't string high tensions... keep it less then 55lbs but depends on your head size and pattern... I string 44lbs.
  12. B

    Contract with Head expires at the end of the year!

    Hi are you sure it's a radicals mold? It has a thicker beam which tapers larger at the end and has a diff rent head shape?
  13. B

    Contract with Head expires at the end of the year!

    This doesn't really conclude anything but is useful to see the difference with the Speed Pro you can buy... clearly the beam is thicker (but not as wide), its also slightly thicker at the tip, and head shape slightly different...
  14. B

    Contract with Head expires at the end of the year!

    Which Wilson frame does he use then I thought it was the nBlade 98, was the one before this? I know he started off using Head Radical MP, then changed to Wilson 98, and he's stuck with this ever since.
  15. B

    Heavier racket for 3.5+ player?

    Not really read all the posts but I agree the heavest racquet you can handle... but I think it takes a good 10+ hours of play before you can decide if you can handle it. Get any one of the good players frames around, buy a load of lead tape and spend a while experimenting. I did this and...
  16. B

    Is this Head Speed Pro real? Plastic covered handle!

    Agree thats a pallet and not the actual grip, it would have had a leather grip over it... strange someone would remove the grip, they must like it! Just add your grip over it and you're good to go.
  17. B

    Contract with Head expires at the end of the year!

    One thing is for sure, he'll stick to his Wilson nBlade 98 racquet regardless of who he goes with since he keeps winning, likely stay with head since he already has them painted... I can't imagine he could realistically pull it off as a Babolat paint-job, the throat is WAY different.
  18. B

    Dr. Ivo accuses Wimbledon of bias

    Looking at the footage, I wonder if it was something to do with the shadows which were going right across the court? i.e. the lines-judge possibly thought it was the foot when it was the shadow?
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    Nadal never bumped into Rosol

    Anyone else think this proves Nadal did check Rosol?... he clearly, its the sort of thing I remember doing in school as a kid!
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    Gilles Simon on equal prize money

    I've yet to hear any argument in favour for women having the same pay in tennis... the closes I've heard is women get more article/magazine/fashion publicity... which it not tennis related in my book. I'd love to see women play 5 set matches, maybe it will improve the game for them if they...
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    Dr. Ivo accuses Wimbledon of bias

    I watched the match, I must admit I did not think it was 11 foot faults, I'd like to know how many it was but there was a few. Most were from the black lines judge on the near side camera, but some from the other line judge on the far side. On the very first footfault, the black lady indicated...
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    Pros using silcone spray on their strings

    OK tried this last night on some new Babolat RPM Team 1.3mm strings @44/40lbs and some well used Luxilon TiMO 1.1mm @45lbs both an Vantage 95" 18x20. My conclusion is it possibly helps a little tiny but, but really its not very noticable, I'm not going to bother.
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    What is most powerful, excellent ground stroke, great for serve yet arm friendly?

    Frame I've been most impressed with of late is the Yonex Ezone XI 100, great frame, light but really stable, powerful as well... highly recommended
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    Pros using silcone spray on their strings

    This is an intriguing thread... not heard of this before. Going to try tonight using GT85 (like WD40 but with teflon).
  25. B

    Help! What's the Softest Babolat Poly?

    I use to play with Hurricane which is fairly soft, but RPM Blast is definitely softer... this is in 18 gauge 1.20mm.
  26. B

    High Tension or Low Tension in 18x20 racquet?

    Its personal preference, some people like it feeling like a board, but generally lower tensions. I use around 48-50 with a soft poly... tried it at 44 with TIMO but man that string is harsh.
  27. B

    So i changed some buttcaps: 2 questions (foam & broken handle)

    Hi, I don't think you should throw that racquet away, it may take a lot of faffing but you can re-build it using something like a polymer glue (e.g. Araldite)... you'd need to layer it up bit by bit letting it dry than adding more until you've approx got the old shape, then hand-sand it down...
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    Favorite Vantage Color Combos

    Personally I like black frame with clear grommets... but all-black is good too, and the white with black also looks the bomb... they all look decent... Red with black also!
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    i.Prestige alternative

    OK well if you're in Germany than you can buy Vantage from the US, but of-course you can't demo them which is a problem. If it was me I'd stick with the iPrestige and find some 2nd hand... there should be loads floating around europe, thats where they were made. OR, you could try the...
  30. B

    How HEAD Rackets Measure their rackets?

    Well I wasn't far off :-)... there is no way its 93", that is clear.