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  1. R

    More info on this Head Agassi frame?

  2. R

    Pro supex maxim touch "CLASSIC"

    PSMT came out and it was hailed as a best bang for you buck string.... then PS changed the composition and it fell out of favor. After a lot of people voiced their dislike for the new composition PS brought back the original composition and labeled it: "Classic". If you've never used PSMT...
  3. R

    TOP 5 Arm Friendly Frames

    Wilson Pro Open.... big sweet spot, very stable, good pop, plays softer than its stiffness indicates...
  4. R

    Smelly clothes

    I add baking soda to the washing machine when I put my tennis clothes in.... if they are extra rank, I will soak them in a water/baking soda solution prior to washing them (with baking soda in addition to detergent)
  5. R

    Head MG Instinct

    if you measure the overall length of the racquet as it is and measure the inside dimension of the hoop, you add the amount that the overall length is less than 27" to the current inside dimension of the hoop to get the hoop dimension undeformed....
  6. R

    Head MG Instinct

    not following why you want to compare hoop dimensions/deformation between different series and head sizes.....
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    Head MG Instinct

    why not measure the overall length of the frame to see how much it has deviated from the 27" starting (nominal) length to determine the amount of distortion? rich
  8. R

    Considering investing in Stringing Machine

    you wont be sorry with that choice nor will you outgrow it .... I have one for the past ~5 years and am very happy with it....
  9. R

    extended racket, less tortional stability?

    torsional stability is basically swingweight (inertia) about the longitudinal axisof the racquet...... mass at 3 and 9 o'clock have a huge impact on torsional stability.... length does not have much, if any, affect on torsional stability if the length is added to the shaft.... however if the...
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    Starting Crosses / Starting Clamp

    personally, I don't remove the starting clamp until the fixed clamp is clamped to the string and the base tightened...... only because I don't want to have to re-do the entire string job if the starting clamp is removed and the base of the fixed clamp isn't locked or the string slips out of the...
  11. R

    replacing clutch spring on Mutual Power dropweight

    1. turn the unit so that the hole is facing down and tap on it to get the piece to fall out? 2. crazy glue a small finish nail to it and pull it out with the nail? 3. pry it out with the pointy end of a small finish nail
  12. R

    Strung my 1st racket in 20 years

    :???: ....and with a lock out the string continues to lose tension after the tensioner locks out.... the longer/shorter/less consistent you are, the greater the variation in tension between strings..... that is the whole point/benefit behind a CP machine over a lock-out....
  13. R

    Wilson BLX Pro Open 100 - Thoughts?
  14. R

    Heat and tension

    my experience is the opposite....
  15. R

    Best Way to Clean or Wash Ink from Stencil

    agree with Max..... also try Goo Gone...
  16. R

    Stringing observations

    measure the center mains with the crosses installed and they will still show 5-10 lbs less than the 2 or 3 strings immediately adjacent to them.... read post #3
  17. R

    Stringing observations

    no, it's not the machine.... it's due to the fact that you can't get the clamp up against the frame due to the supports at the 6 & 12 o'clock positions being in the way..... it is for this reason that I string the center two mains 5lbs tighter than all the other mains...... my $.02 rich
  18. R

    Head heavy for 8 years old

    I have two sons (8 1/2 and 11) that play and take lessons extensively... my older son used the exact racquet that you describe/are concerned about.... he didn't have any problems develop out of using it.... my experience with shorter racquets (25", 26") ... as I research specs a lot...
  19. R

    Looking for an RDC machine in the Atlanta Area

    I believe any PGA Tour Superstore has them.... as well as Serious Tennis... at least the one in the Roswell did: Serious Tennis Roswell 10800 Alpharetta Highway Suite 172 Roswell, GA 30076 (770) 641-8321
  20. R

    Double-sided tape for racket handles

    I use this.... not sure when it got more expensive than gold.... it used to be ~$4 a can...
  21. R

    Extreme Heat Tension Loss Frustration

    I have multiple racquets with the same string at different tensions to combat this.... when I am faced with temperatures that are too high for the tightest racquet I have, I choke up between 3/8 and 1/2 inch to reign in the power.... my $.02
  22. R

    18x20 - feels hard/dead.

    IMO/experience, the only benefit to an 18x20 pattern over a 16x19 pattern in a MP frame is that they feel/play consistently regardless of whether it is 35*F outside or 95*F outside.... Didn't matter what string, what tension, what (fill in the blank).... my $.02
  23. R

    Alpha Revo 4000 coming my way!!

    another option is to put the pins in place and paint over the ends with clear nailpolish or hobby paint...
  24. R

    USTA Atlanta getting bizarre

    I don't disagree what any of what you said that I highlighted red.... maybe I didn't articulate my position well.... As I understand it ... in other areas ... let's say in the northeast or mid-west as examples...... a lot (if not most or close to all) play out of clubs instead of subdivisions...
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    USTA Atlanta getting bizarre

    most matches are played out of subdivisions and city/county parks, so that isn't an issue .... but i am concerned that the 3rd set TB and timelimits are in our future in ATL...
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    USTA Atlanta getting bizarre

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    USTA Atlanta getting bizarre

    All 4 players have to agree play the TB in lieu of a third set.... if any one player objects to a 3d set TB it is a full set.... the capt has no say in the matter...
  28. R

    USTA Atlanta getting bizarre

    this is alarming.....forgo the spirit of the game and competition to qualify for playoffs..... great message to send.... amazing...