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  1. D

    TW Holiday gift card

    Chris, Can you give an idea of what Nike products may be restricted with the gift cards? Thanks!
  2. D

    Ankle or two

    This may be a weird question but if I need to wear an ankle brace on one leg, would it be wise to wear one on the other even though it may not need one. What are some opinions? Thanks.
  3. D

    Kinesio Tape vs Athletic Tape

    I wore kinesio tape for almost a week, shower and all. Once the edges start to curl up, it's time to change. This was on my calf, so I can't speak for other body parts.
  4. D

    Embracing a new era. China the 5th Grand Slam.

    This. And I'm part Chinese.
  5. D

    Tie breakers and serve rotation

    Wrong. Because you are alternating serves, there are clearly advantages & disadvantages between sides, be it wind, lighting, court surface, etc. One way to look at it is, each point in a tiebreaker is like a game. First one to 7 points ("game"), win by 2, kinda like a set.
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    Free Tennis League

    Ultimate Tennis is currently offering free signup. Just FYI.
  7. D

    Me hitting a few balls (5.5)

    Ok, so I've followed this thread and have pretty much read everyone's comment and the OP's responses. To be honest, I'm tired of watching more vids of the OP hitting w/ various people who don't seem to be too consistent or aggressive, IMHO. While there seems to be some minor adjustments made by...
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    Playing USTA tournament...for the first time

    I think I got the answer I need from goober. Thanks everyone.
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    Playing USTA tournament...for the first time

    I have a question about playing in USTA tournaments. I don't have a rating, but I think I'm somewhere between a 3.5 and 4.0. If I were to play my first tournament at 4.0 and do horrible, can I play my next tourny at 3.5? Also would I get a rating at the end of the year? And how many tourny...
  10. D

    Me hitting a few balls (5.5)

    Looks like you're using a continental grip to hit your topspin BH. If so, adjusting to a more eastern grip could make the shot even more efficient and effective. Otherwise, solid.