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  1. D

    good syn to hybrid with gut

    wats a good synthetic to put in a hybrid with gut (or a high end multi) as a cross. im addicted to the feel of gut/multis but the crosses seem to fray alot while the mains take alot less visible wear. reason im asking for a synthetic and not a multi is because i feel that multis seem to lose...
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    time for a new racquet

    didnt mean it as insult, just a suggestion. unfortunately, text is just words and their mood is subjective to the reader, sorry if it sounded rude
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    time for a new racquet

    hmm, maybe u should read the posts above, might answer ur question
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    time for a new racquet

    thanks guys! more feedback would be appreciated
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    time for a new racquet

    oh forgot to mention. my backhand is mainly 2 handed (i'll use 1 occaisonally) except my slice which is 1 handed. my regular back hand is very flat
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    time for a new racquet

    time to look for a new stick. my PSO is great and all but the extra weight is a bit of a problem. i hav a very fast, aggressive swing and the extra weight seems to give my shoulder a bit of discomfort. look for a frame with these criteria. weight: around 11 oz to 11.8 headsize: 98-100 flex...
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    ball machine help

    looking for a ball machine that matches these criteria the best osilation spin ac powered able to lob under 700 if possilbe the best one i hav seen so far is the SP ultra-lite but its not AC powered and doesnt hav osilation
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    ball machine help

    doulbe post, plz delete TW
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    babolat pro hurricane tour 17 gauge....WOW!!!

    hmm, check my signature, i use it too 1. yea, they're quite durable in turns of not breakin/fraying 2.tension loss is quite evident when u string it @ higher tensions 3. i disagree in this area completely. in turns of feel, spin, and touch, i felt that luxilon (in reference to big banger ace...
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    New M Pro No.1 98

    yea, thats the one umm, is that all? cosmetic changes?
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    New M Pro No.1 98

    theres a picture in the july issue of INSIDE TENNIS, second page. instead of being red, green, and black, its now yello, green and black any1 hav any info on the new version of it?
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    New US Open Edition of Barricade IV's

    im american and i still wouldnt wear them. if i ever see some1 wearing those, i will laugh @ them even if they bagel me
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    Is there a "light" player's racquet?

    u could try a PSO 95 and replace the leather grip ala my signature
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    New Babolat Racquets!

    nice catch the aerostorm looks way better than the apd and apc. the pure storm tour could use a new pj, kinda looks old cant wait to try them!
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    Should I get the yellow Pure Drive I saw in a shop?

    maybe it was one of these:
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    Playtest then buy online

    my shop requires a 30 dollar deposit but its reimbursed when u buy a racquet. so its pretty much free in the end if u buy a racquet but all the prices are the same so it doesnt matter whether i buy online or from the store (except HEAD racquets are about 30 dollars cheaper because the owner is...
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    From ancient Prince to Babolat AD

    actually its pronounced "ba-bo-la" with the same A sound as latte
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    pro hurricane tour 17 ~initial impressions

    ONE WEEK UPDATE: strings loosend up abit and its performance is improving Design: still not appealing to me power: gotten better now that the strings loosend up feel: still not so great, slightly less feel b/c of loosening spin: actually improving. theres a slightly more topspin potential...
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    Limited addition K racquets.

    ... gold racquet? can only think of williams-die hards as the only buyers
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    NEW HEAD MICROGEL instinct

    looks alot better than the older version IMO
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    Babolat Pure Storm Tour and Aero Storm

    im interested in the pure storms/tours. if anyone has any info, plz post
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    questions about K 6.1 95 16x18

    its because of the balance point. think of it this way: which is heavier, holding a hammer by the handle or holding it by the head? its the same hammer, just different balance points
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    KFactor 16x18 vs 18x20

    try both out. since ur a prestige-user, i think u would like the 18x20 but try the 16x18 for comparison
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    Yonex RDS 002 Tour?

    the feel of the rds002 is gonna much better than the ncode. good or bad, it depends on preference
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    Looking for a new racquet

    PSO 95? ten charac
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    DIY Paintjob - Pics included.

    sweet. can u paint my racquet too?
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    Prostaff 6.0 Question - doesn't look like TW's version?

    not the same, dont buy it ....or buy it just to hav it and write a review on it >> jk
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    Wilson Pro Staff 6.0 Taiwan

    wait, so if i were to buy one right now, what version would it be? im confused... plus, im using a PSO right now. how do i find out what version it is (not a st.vince, im sure of that)
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    question: babolat shoes

    any feed back on these 2 shoes? yes i searched
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    question: babolat shoes

    thanx fab 10 charac