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  1. C

    Last book read?

    Just finishing The Weathy Barber Returns by David Chilton, now back to The 3rd Alternative by Stephen Covey.
  2. C

    Show Us Your Dresses!

    Same wish here~
  3. C

    Show Us Your Dresses!

    Yes, i noticed that. I have to learn it from Cindy to cut the flimsy shorts and wear my own compression shorts.
  4. C

    Tennis coach in toronto? help!!

    Thanks. What happen to Toronto city tennis? Beautiful clay court but no members.
  5. C

    Tennis coach in toronto? help!!

    Wow, you are the gps of the Toronto tennis club. May I know where Adam and John teach?
  6. C

    Tennis coach in toronto? help!!

    All indoor clubs have coaches and coaches only teach at their clubs.
  7. C

    Raonic v Sampras exo Nov. 17

    Just back from the game. I found the exo so much fun. I will post some video later.
  8. C

    Finally Figured Out The Secret To Mixed

    i found it difficult not to have backswing as it is like muscle memory to me. :( It is good you can switch between backswing and no backswing.
  9. C


    Finally came the 9th review. It sounds pretty positive.  Relief for my Hands Arthritis October 29, 2011 By LizaVM Arthritis is beginning to enter my hands, the shapes of my joints are changing and I have pain on a fairly regular basis. I am loosing the strength from my hands. The grip is no...
  10. C


    still 8 feedbacks.
  11. C

    Vote For Cindy -- The Last Time, I Swear!

    You are so close and I am proud of you. I still love to see your video even you didn't win.
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    Vote For Cindy -- The Last Time, I Swear!

    Congratulations Cindy~
  13. C

    Vote For Cindy -- The Last Time, I Swear!

    Voted for you Cindy. I can't wait seeing your video. :)
  14. C


    Yeah, that's what I worried about. Let's wait and see.
  15. C


    Anyone heard about this? The reviews are good (5/5) though only 8 people gave feedback.
  16. C

    why are some people so upset when they lose?

    Bingo! People can't handle lose seem to have low self-esteem and they have to constantly prove themselves.
  17. C

    Yoga Is Magic!

    I think it makes some sense. I used to take group tennis lesson and I found the private lessons are cheaper as the group lesson will take 3 or 4 times longer to reach the same level on a certain amount of budget. It is easier to do the routine on your own or go to the group lessons after...
  18. C

    how to avoid afternoon drowsiness?

    Do you sleep 7-8 hours at night?
  19. C

    Vote For Cindy!!!

    I vote for you Cindy. You look like 28 in the picture.
  20. C

    Yoga Is Magic!

    Cindy, have you tried lululemon clothes? They are great for yoga and tennis.
  21. C

    Yoga Is Magic!

    Good for you~ "After one hour, my arm, shoulder and back felt better than it has in months." you must do things right. I will join a gym this winter and hopefully I can try some yoga classes too. BTW, I'd love if my classmate is willing to correct my form.
  22. C

    Stosur's Oakley sunglasses

    Thanks. I tried the Commit and it fits better than Radar. There is problem the polarized lens color is limited. We don't need polarized lens for tennis though.
  23. C

    Stosur's Oakley sunglasses

    I tried the Oakley radar path asian fit and it fits well with no touching on the cheek and it covers sides well. I saw stosur wearing Commit with the lens touching her cheek on the oakley website. The commit looks more feminine which I like. The sunglasses should...
  24. C

    How To Handle A Partner Who Rides The Center Line

    I have a mixed doubles partner just like that.
  25. C

    How to handle low tension string?

    I feel much more "in control" when I played with my old racket at 53lbs after playing with 50lbs for 1 1/2 weeks.
  26. C

    How to handle low tension string?

    I decided to switch back to my normal tension 53lbs after I lost again. I think I might need more time to practice with the new low tension or my skill level not good enough to handle the low tension for now. I run out of time as my league will start this Wed.
  27. C

    (Poll for female)What is your heart rates?

    I agree~ Where are you in Canada, Fuji?
  28. C

    How to handle low tension string?

    I guess I won't try a new string til a few months later. I have 2 racquets at 53lbs & 50lbs. My question is how to play with the 50lbs compared to the 53lbs?
  29. C

    How to handle low tension string?

    Thanks Cindy for your support. I might try your string pattern later " Babolat verses on the mains, Kirschbaum ProLine II on the crosses.". I think Iwill like it because every time I try a new string I like it.