Search results

  1. V

    Clarke Poly Power Pro

    I know clarkes... Clarkes is based in Houston since ive visited it once to buy this exact string to try out. I can't give any useful information since I strung it too high but it cost around $4 a set and under $40 a reel since I last checked. Many colors available. Ill eventually string another...
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    Downsides of playing with wrong grip size

    Question: If a racket comes with a (stock) leather grip, will that leather grip enlarge the grip size slightly or was that taken into consideration in the sizing?
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    Downsides of playing with wrong grip size

    sounds like an oxymoron to me
  4. V

    Looking for a 95 sq. in. racquet with 18x20

    the dunlop aerogel 4d 200 fits the bill nicely, and it's currently $100 at tw or 180 for two. I like how ^^^ thinks
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    Control Racquets

    +1 on dunlop aerogel 4d 200. good quality control by dunlop and it's well within your budget. very nice all around
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    Secrets of the Dunlop Max 200G

    So the first couple generation are almost the same?
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    Secrets of the Dunlop Max 200G

    sorry for reviving this thread but as i was reading i had some questions. What are the differences between the generations/versions of the max 200g? mainly regarding the earlier generations and feel/performance wise. Which generation do you believe plays the best? The multiple generations...
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    Found several old woodies

    You Can't Be Serious...
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    Found several old woodies

    Closet in My house.They might have been my grandpa's. He passed away a while ago. My dad doesn't play tennis so...yeah
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    Found several old woodies

    Wilson Jack Kramer autograph 4x Wilson Jack Kramer prostaff Wilson Jimmy Conners advisory staff model Spalding Pancho Gonzales tournament Macgregor Challenger Found these in a closet in a house. These are before my time so I don't know much about them. Comments are appreciated. Any ideas...
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    Different colors of Gamma Synthetic gut

    hopefully they will all feel the same, thanks for your input
  12. V

    Different colors of Gamma Synthetic gut

    I know the color of strings has been discusses already but posts dont refer to this particular string. Does Gamma Synthetic gut (w/o wearguard) differ in feel or anything enough to notice? (red blue white purple black yellow) replies appreciated
  13. V

    Good cross for BHBR (suggestions)

    I like the way you think:shock::shock:
  14. V

    Strings for a Dunlop 4D aerogel 4D 200 Tour

    I like Iontec black at 49# in my 4d 200 (non tour version)
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    warranty issue

    Sorted it out through email and the issue is resolved. Thanks for your responses everyone. Getting ready to send my pair in hopefully for a different color, that yellow is FLASHY!
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    Quality: Klippermate vs $1000+ machines

    ive used several synthetic guts, polys, and multis but never natural gut and all to the same effect.
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    warranty issue

    I bought my asics gel game 3 a little over 5 months ago. As i am getting ready to send them in i email tennis warehouse customer service about the shoes and the 6 month warranty and they say they dont offer that warranty. That implies that i wont get the replacements for these shoes even though...
  18. V

    Quality: Klippermate vs $1000+ machines

    I usually have to clean the string jaws once or more per job due to slippage. Is there something wrong with the jaws or is it possibly me? (got a used klippermate)
  19. V

    Klippermate vs Gamma X2/Prog 200

    interesting perspective but not the best comparison. How do you open the window without opening the door first anyways. If you say leave the window open thats just not safe. questions for gamma x2/progression users. what do the string jaws use to hold on to the string? do you experience...
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    post your shoes before the shoe warranty claim

    thanks for the reply One more question. If there is midsole showing at the bottom edge of the shoe but the rest of the shoe is still in okay(worn but very usable) condition would it be accepted for the warranty? (asics warranty=back to tenniswarehouse) warranty due in about a week
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    Top 5 polys in hybrid (as mains)

    I'm flattered by being called "rookie" as I am labeled as new user
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    Top 5 polys in hybrid (as mains)

    look at above post ^^^
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    Top 5 polys in hybrid (as mains)

    What I meant by relevant responses was that i was hoping for an answer to my previous question since it seemed to go by unnoticed. Did not mean to come off as rude or intrusive. My fault for making that curt and not clarifying.
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    Top 5 polys in hybrid (as mains)

    relevant responses would be nice
  25. V

    Top 5 polys in hybrid (as mains)

    Thanks for responding guys. I know many people use poly mains with multi or natural gut crosses but would using a synthetic gut instead bring the quality of the poly string down a peg or would it be just as good but in different terms due to type of crosses? (i have OGSM 17 and spiral flex)
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    Top 5 polys in hybrid (as mains)

    Like one of pvaudio's posts "List your top 3-4 ________" im just being a little more specific by adding criteria of not too expensive and in a hybrid as mains
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    Top 5 polys in hybrid (as mains)

    I'm just looking for general opinion. If a certain string shows up many times I'll be inclined to try it. Not looking for people to suggest strings to me, just tell me what you like and nobody will get hurt.:mad:
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    Top 5 polys in hybrid (as mains)

    Oops forgot to mention price is a factor so please omit Lux and other big brands with big prices from your top choices.
  29. V

    Top 5 polys in hybrid (as mains)

    Hello people. Please list your top 5 (more or less is fine too) poly strings in a hybrid(as mains) with SYNTHETIC GUT crosses. THANKS
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    post your shoes before the shoe warranty claim

    can you ask for different colors or sizes when you send in shoes for replacement ( when sending to tennis warehouse )