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  1. D

    GOAT Umpire

    One could also say she ballsed it up... Sent from my ONEPLUS A6000 using Tapatalk
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    GOAT Umpire

    No pun intended :) Sent from my ONEPLUS A6000 using Tapatalk
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    GOAT Umpire

    Bollocks. Serena was out of order. She deserved everything she got. Sent from my ONEPLUS A6000 using Tapatalk
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    Serena Williams

    Totally by the book. Serena deserved it. And the crowd booing. What shoddy behaviour. Shame on them. Utterly graceless display of sportsmanship. Sent from my ONEPLUS A6000 using Tapatalk
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    Babolat Pure aero play?

    Also had a look at the Zepp sensor, does anyone here use this? Sent from my ZTE A2017U using Tapatalk
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    Babolat Pure aero play?

    Thinking about getting one. Is it worth it? Sent from my ZTE A2017U using Tapatalk
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    How Is Federer's Serve So Good?

    Federer's entire movement (not just the toss) is virtually identical for serve placement. I've seen different placements imposed and it is incredible really.
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    Teaching a toddler?

    Thanks guys. I know this is the Tips section but what sort of racket should I get? a 150 gram 17 incher (or there about?).
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    Teaching a toddler?

    My daughter will be 2 in a 3 weeks and I'd like to introduce her to tennis (she already asks to watch tennis on TV!). Any tips for teaching?
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    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Babolat Pure Aero

    Thanks, sounds like perhaps I should treat myself. I was thinking of a Pure Aero Tour, but perhaps the vanilla one will be a nice change! The swing weight is up by about 15 grams?
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    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Babolat Pure Aero

    Isn't the swing weight the same on the APD as the Pure Aero?
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    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Babolat Pure Aero

    Does anyone know when the Pure Aero goes on sale in the UK?
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    Has anyone tried the 5.2 Diet?

    Protein tends to fill people up more than other foods. So if you're eating a high protein diet you tend to eat less calories than a normal diet so one would be likely to eat less than 2300 calories per day over a period which leads to weight loss. Anyway I have wasted enough time arguing with...
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    Has anyone tried the 5.2 Diet?

    Yes, you could do with a bit of that. The idea that one can eat 5000 calories indefinitely and not put on weight is ludicrous.
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    Has anyone tried the 5.2 Diet?

    Some people are just plain ignorant!
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    Has anyone tried the 5.2 Diet?

    I'm doing 5-2. I've lost about 8kgs on it so far. I seem to lose about 2kgs per month and its really not as hard as I thought it would be. I love food and its actually really nice not to have my life dominated by food on the fast days.
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    Australian Open 2015 Final: Novak Djokovic vs Andy Murray

    What a final. This is sensational!
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    Aeropro Drive Play?

    Has anyone got this yet? Are you finding it useful to monitoring your game?
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    How good is your mental game..?

    Ash, do you have any pointers for playing a better mental game?
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    Asics Gel Resolution 5 or Yonex SHT-Pro EX

    I need to get a new pair of tennis shoes... Think I've come down to one of these two. What would you go for?
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    New Asics Gel Resolution 5 are crazy good

    How durable are these shoes? I'm in the market for a new pair of tennis shoes.
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    Gut and damp

    Ok, so best bet is not to use gut if it's raining or recently rained, but normal humidity is fine.
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    Gut and damp

    SO what happens to gut in damp weather? I have a hybrid of VS Touch (mains) and ALU Power and wandering how it will be affected by damp weather.
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    Reflections on a lesson

    Interesting to read the point about the racket positioning and backhand. Watching all the 1HBHers start with the butt of the racket pointing towards the ground. How does one get the head below the ball when starting from this position?
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    Short Hitting Video

    Haha all too easily done. Pulling the trigger is very gratifying!
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    Broke a finger on my off hand - 1hbh time!

    Injuries suck. Get better soon!
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    Short Hitting Video

    Nice hitting bob. But... Hitting winners off feeders is a no no.
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    Hybrid - Gut main / Cyclone cross

    I've just ordered a set of gut, going to first try alu power in the crosses and gut in the mains, then will try with cyclone crosses. Exciting!
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    Hybrid - Gut main / Cyclone cross

    Thanks. Think I'll give it a go. Which gut are you using?
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    Andy Murray subjected to online abuse about the "Yes/No" referendum

    That sort of abuse is never called for. However, Murray scored a gigantic own goal. He waited till the last moment and then found a spurious excuse. Infact the Yes campaign were MUCH more vitriolic and nasty than the No campaign. I thought he was better than that.