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  1. M

    Most annoying players at your club

    Right. I agree. I’m very self critical and will occasionally berate myself. I am sorry that I act this way. I am not doing it because it’s something I’m proud of or anything. I think I just hold everything in at work and in other parts of my life, so it’s sometimes nice to have an emotional...
  2. M

    USTA Captain Ban

    Oh dear. I did laugh reading “lowlife professional captain” tho so thank you for that.
  3. M

    In 2024 all tri level and combo leagues count towards ranking

    I’d rather lose and improve than play down I guess. I never wanna go to nationals LOL. Ever.
  4. M

    In 2024 all tri level and combo leagues count towards ranking

    would anyone even be proud of this? It’s like me beating my little siblings in monopoly. Did I enjoy the ego boost? Duh! Was it fair? Hell naw hahahah
  5. M

    In 2024 all tri level and combo leagues count towards ranking

    I’m no statistician but I don’t think this is how it works. the computer expects the strong 4.0 to win so it doesn’t give the 3.5 player as much credit for this win as it would for having a weaker partner and winning against a stronger pair. It’s better to play with weaker people and win.
  6. M

    wanting to call it out

    Agree. Wait for ball to hit ground. Not difficult.
  7. M

    How Come the Bad Line-Callers Don't Post Here? I failed again
  8. M

    USTA Captain Ban

    Messaged you LOL
  9. M

    Self-corrected line call in doubles - replay or forfeit the point?

    Fair. I never miss the return tho so if I play and they stop. 2nd serve
  10. M

    Most annoying players at your club

    LOL is there really that much of a distinction between 4.0 and 4.5… ? LMAO. All of em act this way
  11. M

    Most annoying players at your club

    Probz me. I’m working on behaving better tho haha. I’ve already made great strides
  12. M

    Self-corrected line call in doubles - replay or forfeit the point?

    As a short person. I am notoriously bad at calling serves out. many times server sees ball way better than I do, especially the farther back I go. i tell server to please correct me if they see ball out and many do.
  13. M

    USTA Captain Ban

    I know someone whose LinkedIn tagline states “USTA captain of the year” .
  14. M

    USTA Captain Ban

    LMAO. Love this reply
  15. M

    Do doubles players get respect at your club?

    Hello. Singles is too hard. Like no
  16. M

    Captains, would you default this match?

    I’d never default a match if person was in transit. Especially if all players willing to proceed. Now if I had someone with a babysitter waiting at home who really couldn’t stay, I’d go with that player decision. Captains who default courts forget that we pay USTA to play and not the other way...
  17. M

    Changing racquets during a point?

    My friend won a match with broken strings. The lack of tension in both her racket and brain cells led to absolute domination like you wouldn’t believe. so it would be wise to let your opponent swap out STAT! ( so my friend just didn’t have another racket but she did play brilliantly with...
  18. M

    USTA Captain Ban

    Maybe! But being mean hasn’t done much good for me in the long run. I’m sure I’ll be in a mood soon and talk smack to his face
  19. M

    USTA Captain Ban

    Hi everyone thanks for responses!! I definitely change some information to protect this persons identity. I clearly was feeling very upset when I posted this and still agree that this person is not well equipped for captaining. I also want to consider what motivates this person to act in this...
  20. M

    Taking off your shirt at the court.

    Why not!? You do you boo
  21. M

    USTA Captain Ban

    True. I suppose I should have a little more compassion considering how deeply he values USTA. It’s everything.
  22. M

    USTA Captain Ban

    There is a USTA captain in my area who should never be allowed to captain again. He just got suspended from playing, again … for the 4th TIME!!! Yet, he continues to captain 13 teams across 3 areas just this summer. I mean this guy defaces tennis courts, humiliates his own players, screams at...