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  1. G

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    Some of TRs estimates are way off in my area. A 3.0C lady on my 7.5 combo team now has 3.7 and high confidence to be bumped to 4.0. Others that have no chance of getting bumped down, were lowered significantly
  2. G

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    So for those that watched the safety videos, the new rating will be emailed on 11/29 or how does that work?
  3. G

    WTN's "High Confidence" Is Just not Accurate

    Mine seems off. 4.0F and 31 doubles. There are 3.5s and some 3.0s with that so any 4.0 I play with, has significantly better rating than me. Seems hard to climb out of.
  4. G

    Share your WTN - Crowd sourcing the NTRP to WTN mapping

    The WTN ratings seem to have no correlation at all to levels, skills, etc. They are all over the place
  5. G

    TennisRecord com Appreciation Thread

    Is this the longest it’s gone without updating?
  6. G

    Ria Glasses

    Has anyone tried Ria eyeglasses for night and low light conditions? I have been getting ads for it and tempted to try them out.
  7. G

    Year End Ratings

    Just received an email from usta stating ratings will be posted 11/30.
  8. G

    Year End Ratings

    When are the new ratings coming out?
  9. G

    Share your WTN - Crowd sourcing the NTRP to WTN mapping

    WTN is worthless measure of someone’s skill level!! It seems so inaccurate and all over the place!
  10. G

    New Southern Rule for 2024

    The 2.5 ladies teams here are always so stacked with players WAY out of level and it’s always by the same tennis pro. There are some that could legitimately play 3.5+. I think it really hurts the true 2.5s that are working hard to improve.
  11. G

    New Southern Rule for 2024

    Most people I have talked to about this are happy with the decision. I’m neutral. On the Southern Facebook page there are so many of the notorious sandbaggers from my city complaining
  12. G

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    I have noticed there were a few ladies in our section that were C rated and double bumped. Is this a new thing? I thought you were safe if C rated?
  13. G

    Share your WTN - Crowd sourcing the NTRP to WTN mapping

    3.5C Singles: 22.7 Doubles: 22.8