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  1. T

    Graphene MP Prestige - 11/10 STARS!

    You have make a very good choice Which strings setup did You use?
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    Head prestige graphene MP Club

    Maybe with the graphene touch the Prestige get softer feeling anyway Is long time till this Is coming I am going to try mine now with msv hex 35 plus 1.15 at 19.5 kilos
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    Head prestige graphene MP Club

    Dont You guys think that graphene prestige mp has more touch and Is more flexible Than the XT versión?
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    Head prestige graphene MP Club

    Tomorrow i will try full solinco tour bite 1.15 at 19.5 kilos I will writte my opinion Or maybe i should hibrid with lynx Anyway the sound when You hit it with power Is amazing
  5. T

    Head prestige graphene MP Club

    Hello I think would be good to have this place to talk about this awesone raquets I think there are a lot Of players that use it and like to share their experiences Of set up , felling, etc Mine Is with transparent grommets and main diadem/ cross lynx at 19.5 kilos
  6. T

    Strings setup on prestige graphene mp?

    I am going to try this weekend with tour bite 1.20 full And them will decide wich one will use, this or diadem/ lynx
  7. T

    Strings setup on prestige graphene mp?

    Hello Now i still using diadem power 1.20 on main but i change cross to Head lynx Anyway i order a reel of tour bite 1.15 that i think and hope will be good
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    Novaks Frame for 2017

    I had it a month ago on my hands Is very similar to the this years only They put a little of red colors instead the yeloow NeXT year lynx strings Is on red also to match with it Supose to be better felling Is call hraphene touch
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    Babolat sensor dual problem, Is breaking the strings

    No no i am right They have to change me the raw or i dont know how Is call the puller
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    Sonic Pro Edge - 'outstanding' according to RSI

    Yes i used the 1.25 and i like it a lot Is very crispy strings
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    Babolat sensor dual problem, Is breaking the strings

    Today put the calibrator ( pros pro, maybe Is not to good i dont know) and i put 10kilos On machine and the calibrator Is on 22kilos Is pulling like double
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    Babolat sensor dual problem, Is breaking the strings

    Not Is not the blast The machine brote luxilon original, diadem, Head lynx And Yes i could finish a raquet but was like a stone Yes i will calibrate the machine to check
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    Babolat sensor dual problem, Is breaking the strings

    Yes Is breaking when i pull the tension Sometime Is breaking by the grommets and also sometime close to the pull tensioner I have try differents gauges, it break even 1.35 I thought was the raquet but them i change raquets and still happen I think Is pulling more Than normally I will try to...
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    Babolat sensor dual problem, Is breaking the strings

    But If was that problem should be from the First day No only this week Something Is not working I will call babolat spain on monday
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    Babolat sensor dual problem, Is breaking the strings

    Hello Any one help me? Since a week when i am stringing the strings are breaking I thought was the grommets If the raquet But i put different raquets an also Is breaking strings and If it Is not break, the raquets Is like 30 kilos and only put 22 kilos I will find a calibrator and check what...
  16. T

    Will HEAD Prestige grommet question

    What about the weight Are same weight red, ig clear grommets?
  17. T

    Are all Head CAP grommets the same weight?

    Hello What Is heavier? The tk293 from ig(clear) Or the red or black grommets from graphene?
  18. T

    Head pro stock 293.2

    There are Many pro players who are using this raquet , Guillermo García López for example
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    Head pro stock 293.2

    I will try like i make with my retail prestige graphene mp Diadem solstice power 1.20 main Head lynx 1.20 cross 19.5 kilos
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    Head pro stock 293.2

    Hello Anyone could give me his opinion of this raquet please Felling, stringing set up etc Thanks
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    XT Prestige Pro String Reccomendations

    Great raquet I like it with hawk touch 23 kilos Dont know why but with luxilon original i dont like it and this was my setup with graphene pro
  22. T

    Racquet Dilemma

    Hello Prestige graphene mp Is an incredible raquet For sure You have to get use to at the begining but then very good control, You can have a lot spin because Is a crispi and If You want power You can have it I have 3 and enjoy a lot
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    Head pro stock 293.1 review, set up, etc

    Today my player try the 293.1 I tried also He like it better Than the retail prestige graphene mp retail that he normally use Is much more confortable and sounds very good But i saw that Is more powefull that the retail mp and the ball goes out more often i think Is because the diferents...
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    Head pro stock 293.1 review, set up, etc

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    Head pro stock 293.1 review, set up, etc

    Yes i know but Are the same mold mp and 293.1 right?
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    Head pro stock 293.1 review, set up, etc

    They are exactly same frame but totally different raquets
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    Head pro stock 293.1 review, set up, etc

    I recieved and try today my 293.1 I put main diadem power 1.20 and cros lynx 1.20 The raquets Is very flexible and confortable even If You dont hit with the center Is for a player who use the prestige graphene mp retail Is the same frame but different patten Lets See when he try it Is close...
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    Post Pictures of your Awesome Stringjobs

    Solstice power Awosone strings Never tried full only hibrid
  29. T

    Prestige graphene mp opinions

    If You get use to this dense patten Is not a problem, You can hit hard heavy top spin groundstrokes like with 16x19 but with even more control I am using diadem power 1.20 main and hawk cros Anyway You have to be strong to be able to move it
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    Head pro stock 293.1 review, set up, etc

    Still waiting to recieved my 3 new 293.1 Maybe i will have it before the weekend