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    YULitle- Spagetti Stringing Demo?

    look it up on google, it a weird way to string including knots in the face of the racquet which is to help grab the ball for spin
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    Deformed toenails

    No, its just deformed
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    Deformed toenails

    Well your toenail can come over if the pressure of the blister is to much and you dont relieve it... look it up on google
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    Deformed toenails

    My toenail is not black, its just enlarged
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    Deformed toenails

    I have thought about that but I don't think they are to snug, I feel if I went any bigger I would just slide farther in the shoe before i hit the front of them.
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    Deformed toenails

    Thats probably black toe, you basically have a blood blister under your toenail
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    Serena wasn't kidding when she said

    She probably threatened to shove a ball up her *** if she took the match from her!
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    Deformed toenails

    I have an issue with the toenails on my toes next to my pinky toe (2 and 8 counting left to right having 10 toes total). Half way out the toenail looks like it all most folds up and doubles in thickness. Has anyone heard of this or experienced this? I do think that it is cause from my toes...
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    YULitle- Spagetti Stringing Demo?

    YULitle, Great Videos! I have a request. I know its illegal to play with them, but can you post a video demoing how to do spaghetti stringing? Keep doing what you do! Thanks
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    Hex vs Wrapped Strings

    Looking for some input: Which style typically gives more bite, hexagon shaped strings, or strings with wraps around the core?
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    Pictures: Different colors on different racquets

    Sorry if its already been done, but I wanted to see pictures of different color strings on different rackets. So if you have a picture of you racket strung with a color other than natural POST IT! :-D
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    Should criminal assault charges be brought against Serena Williams?

    No one takes into consideration she is a public figure? She should receive harsher punishment for less. When people see a public figure like her doing what she wants and not receiving discipline for it what tells them not to behave the same way. Suspensions isn't enough, more would happen to an...
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    Will Serena Get Booed?

    Even in the post game interview she didn't even seem to regret it. She's a disgrace to the sport!
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    How to hit harder flat serve?

    Slow down your swing and concentrate more on contact... hitting that sweet spot with the right swing path and slowly work up your swing pace. As everyone has pointed out so far, height is a blessing that you don't have. Flat serves shouldn't be at the top of your list of serves. Concentrate on...
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    To tip or not to tip

    Thats like asking if you tip at Hardees, they bring your food out to you... I'd say no, but help them out and take care of your own trash.
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    Best movie line period.

    At first I was thinking it was something that Brianna Banks starred in Requiem for a Dream
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    Isnt it easier to Serve and Volley with a lighter racquet?

    also take into consideration where the racquet is weighted, hl should give you faster maneuvering
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    How many guitar players we got here?

    I'm guessing like.... 12
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    How much spin do you hit with?

    I think that calls for a TMI On average I put enough top spin from the base like to clear the net by about 4 inches and have the ball dip with in 2 feet of the net. Mine don't really kick up though, they sink about 1-2 inches into the court. And that's on average, and on hard court, they don't...
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    Are going to live tennis matches worth it?

    take the k six one you just found and sell it, use the money towards going to the event. The experience at an event is something in itself. Defiantly go to at least one, and if you don't like the first one, go to another one.
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    Best movie line period.

    Ha, Smack!
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    Hair product help.

    I know this sounds off the wall, but I'm serious. Elmer's glue. People use it in their Mohawks, and you can also use the colored glue and put it in extra thick so it shows up. As to be expected though, it takes some time to wash out, usually you apply it for a couple days at a time. (Look it up...
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    blister from 1h?

    Where are you getting it? I got one on my thumb last night for the first time. I also wore a hole though my over grip so it think I may have overdone it a little bit :-P but ass LeeD began to explain, let it dry up and keep practicing it. Don't cut away dead skin. It will start to callous.
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    kick serve

    use a hammer grip, adjust your toss
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    2HBH People.....what is your "ready" position?

    I'm right handed. Left hand (off hand) is holding for a two handed backhand, Right hand is holding for a forehand (sw) on a backhand in my pull back my right hand naturally goes into my two-handed position since my left hand is twisting the racket
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    Isnt it easier to Serve and Volley with a lighter racquet?

    Yeah it really depend on what your strengths and weaknesses are and what level you're playing. If you are slow in moving the racket to the ball then a lighter racket might help. If you're getting to the ball and having trouble controlling the ball (for a reason like it's hit heavy) a heavier...
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    How To Deal with the Sun when Serving

    You can try opening or closing your service stance so you are tossing away from the sun a little
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    how to apply grips

    Photo Illustrated- How to Apply and Overgrip
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    Taking a lesson w/flat tennis balls

    So after hearing a bunch of opinions how do you look at the situation?