Search results

  1. D

    TRU PRO (formerly Tier One Sports) tennis strings?

    I would say Black Knight as it is a softer string.
  2. D

    Electronic stringing machine

    What do you mean by the wise requiring you to hold the gripper? Are you using one hand to close the gripper and the the other to activate the switch? If so, you just need two work on your technique. One handed gripper/activation is possible with multiple techniques. I personally hold the string...
  3. D

    What Mid to High End Stringer would you choose?

    Add the Tourna 700-ES to your list. The Alpha Ghost 2 seems to be a crowd favorite.
  4. D

    Cheap best-buy portable stringing machine

    If you go with Comet, you could add a Wise tension head at a later date. No adapter needed.
  5. D

    Electronic stringing machine

    Yes, that is what I do. I use different tensions on mains and crosses so I have to set 4 tensions as a result of not having a knot feature. With a knot feature I would set two tensions and activate the knot feature as needed. I suggested to Wise to implement a knot feature through the...
  6. D

    Electronic stringing machine

    Add the Tourna 300-CS and Wise Tension Head to the list for for consideration. My only complaint about the Wise is not have a knot feature.
  7. D

    Stringing machine for high school cosch

    Tourna 300-CS has my vote. You have the option to add a Wise at a later date.
  8. D

    Alternate Tie Offs for Wilsons

    To use the designated cross tie off you would bring the cross string through the grommet and over the main. Then over and under the cross with the tail returning upward. Repeat for the 2nd loop. When you cinch the first loop it will hop over the main. Same will occur with the 2nd. Most important...
  9. D

    Questions for Wise 2086 owners

    I have my Wise mounted with about 1 inch of clearance from my mounting knobs. This is the closes I can get it and still be comfortable wrapping the string on the diablo while pulling mains. Realistically, this results in ~4inches from the racket tip to the front of the diablo on my machine.
  10. D

    Questions for Wise 2086 owners

    Mine shipped to Hawaii in perfect condition.
  11. D

    String moving out of position very quickly

    Lower tension will reduce the strings returning to center. The gauge and strings tension maintenance will also affect how long tension is held before it won't return. Different strings have different friction coefficients which can also affect how well they return to center. As the strings wear...
  12. D

    Diaries of a New Hobby Stringer

    @Jor3lBR Congrats on the new machine. A few comments to consider. When pulling your mains, line up the two ends of string and pull them through together at the same time. Skip extending them fully and evening them out. They will be close enough by pulling them through equally. Starting your...
  13. D

    String tension for T1 Black Knight

    There two trains of thought. 1)!String it at the same tension so you can see how the BK compares at the same tension then adjust from there. 2) Reduce the tension to try compensate for the thicker gauge/string stifness. I have seen 2lb referenced as a rough number when changing gauge.
  14. D

    Tension Difference between crank machine and Electronic Constant Pull

    As people have mentioned it is dependent on the string. Repeating what was said above you can do a pull with the Wise setup as Lock Out and see what the tension drops to after 3-5 seconds(or whatever time it usually takes you to clamp off). Then use that differential to actually string with that...
  15. D

    Questions for Wise 2086 owners

    Well said! I was typing up a similar response. Dan can give you an update and just check in with him as time passes to see if it's still on schedule. My particular order took quite some time due to the parts shipment being delayed multiple times. It is worth the wait!
  16. D

    Questions for Wise 2086 owners

    It is working properly. Your first picture is roughly how Wes reccomended setting up the gripper. The default setting from Wise was the left side of the gripper being flush with the outer body when fully closed. An alternate method to activate the gripper is to slide the gripper towards the...
  17. D

    Wise 2086 v14 vs Gamma Rotational (X-ELS) vs others (loudness)

    I have the most recent Wise and don't consider it loud or disruptive. I some times string late at night and don't have any concerns for neighbors or family sleeping in the next room.
  18. D

    How much do you typically pay for a string job with your own string?

    $14, which includes a new overgrip. Honolulu, Hawaii.
  19. D

    Questions for Wise 2086 owners

    I received my Wise about a month ago. The default gripper setting results with gripper being flush with the racket side of the gripper body. I haven't adjusted mine and haven't had problems with various Polys from 16g to 18g or Multi 16G. Also, I believe it is normal to see gripper marks, so...
  20. D

    Looking for a stringing machine under 2500$

    I purchased a Tourna 300-CS and Wise tensioner and am very happy with both purchases. I believe people have mentioned that the 300-CS has better clamps than the Gamma 6004 and it has a benefit of single knob adjustment for the racket mount arms on each side. Gamma has 3 adjustment knobs per...
  21. D

    Ghost Wire 19g - Are my strings dead?

    That would be a CP. Thanks for the info. Helps me recommend a tension for clients that may have used Triax previously.
  22. D

    Ghost Wire 19g - Are my strings dead?

    If you haven't noticed a difference in it's performance that is unsatisfactory I would give it more time. Do the mains still snap back if you pull them to the side with your fingers? Generally Polys will take turn downhill between the 10-20 hour mark. What tension did you run the Triax 16G...
  23. D

    Upgrade old or Buy New stringing machine?

    I would go for the new machine with the wise and then sell your machine at some point. I recently purchased a Tourna 300-CS added the Wise Tensioner. I am very happy with both purchases. Be ready to wait 3+ months for a Wise tensioner unless you find a place that holds their own stock and...