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    NikeCourt Zoom Vapor 12

    Does anyone have a picture of the outsole that they’re going to use on these? Previous outsole in the pro 2 and 11 were garbage IMO
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    Is there going to be a new TF40 this year?

    I see current version on sale does anyone have updates on the new stick from a specs perspective? Similar different etc? Part of me is hoping this line almost becomes what the tfight 315 ltd was
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    Pure Aero VS Stringing

    This was precisely it! Had just under 36ft of tour bite and just strung it Atw and it all worked out. Thanks Wes!
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    Pure Aero VS Stringing

    Is 36 feet of string enough for this racquet?
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    Fila Mondo Forza

    I always love when they have the herringbone run up high on the side of the shoe really helps digging out of corners
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    Nike Claybreaker vs traditional herringbone

    Thank you guys. Feel like for me it’s going to be good to just keeping rolling with ASICS or the adidas clay shoes
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    Nike Claybreaker vs traditional herringbone

    Anyone have any feedback on the clay breaker sole on the newer Nike shoes. Anything different than the traditional clay herringbone patterns we have become accustomed to?
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    Pure Aero 98 string choice?

    Would 38ft be enough for a full string job with this frame?
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    4.0 4.5 Corpus Christi.

    Is there anyone in this area that would want to hit either today through the 26th
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    Luxilon BBO

    Thanks all! I appreciate everyone’s feedback!
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    Racquet most like the original Tfight 320 16x20

    https://www.****.com/itm/325131876975?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=p4zsZqNyS7G&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ccai6ThWRAC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY This is the one I was talking about thanks for any insight
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    Show most similar to nike Vapor pro 1

    Does anybody have any insight to what is similar on the market to last years Vapor. In terms of speed and amount of slip/grip?
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    Tour bite mains Rpm hurricane crosses?

    Personally I feel like the string snaps a little better could just be my imagination but idk…
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    Tour bite mains Rpm hurricane crosses?

    Has anyone else tried this setup? Thoughts?