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  1. R

    Best vibration dampener

    The purple luxilon damper! Without ive pain in myarm and feel the vibrations and with the damper i have no pain and feel zero vibrations!
  2. R

    What is the "plushest" racquet that offers the most "free power"?

    Yes 12 kilo's! Im a high performance tennis coach so I know how to hit. And I need to string at low tension due my arm and shoulder injury. But can still hit full through the ball and control the ball.
  3. R

    What is the "plushest" racquet that offers the most "free power"?

    There is no racket more plush then a PT57A. I tried almost every racket.any racket causes pain in my arm and shoulder. Also the phantoms and Angell's. Only my PT57A's with stringproject Gold string does my job without pain.( At 12 kilo's)
  4. R

    What is the "plushest" racquet that offers the most "free power"?

    PT57A with swingweight above 350 [emoji41]
  5. R

    Ultimate racket for tennis elbow

    Wilson Clash with stringproject Gold string at 20 kilo's. A lot of cliënts play with that setup now and are very pleased with it. I play with my PT57A's and stringproject Gold string at 12 kilo's in the mains and 14 kilo's in the. First setup in 20 years that i have no pain in my arm and shoulder.
  6. R

    WILSON H19/22 VS PT57A/E

    Thats so bullsh**t You can find them easily. Ive got 4 PT57A's and an tgk223.2 I had 4 H19's and 3 H22's but in the end not the right specs for me and not enough room to customize them perfectly.
  7. R

    WILSON H19/22 VS PT57A/E

    I had several H19's and H22's and now 4 PT57A's. The PT57A's have way more feel but in my opinion also more control. The H19 has more control and pinpoint precision over the H22, And in my setups also more power then H22's. Also because of the higher swingweight. So for the power level it...
  8. R

    Angell TC100 vibrations

    What string do you use?
  9. R

    Has Anyone Modified a Lightweight Frame with Silicone in Handle & Lead to Get to Your Specs?

    Yes, then you need to build them up. And choose cap or normal grommets.
  10. R

    Has Anyone Modified a Lightweight Frame with Silicone in Handle & Lead to Get to Your Specs?

    Yes! My PT57A's were around 249 grams, then I only need to build them up with lead and sillicone
  11. R

    Idea for those who need cheap lessons

    You can also buy a Slingerbag [emoji39]
  12. R

    Price advice: PT57A

    Retired. He calls with Head and get the rackets from them. No he doesnt play in the senior tour.
  13. R

    Price advice: PT57A

    I paid between €350 and €500 for my 6 PT57A's. But now know an old pro who get them new by Head 18x20 or 16x19 for €250 tax including. In any Head paintjob
  14. R

    So, why do people say balls go LONG when tension drops? It is the opposite!

    Sorry its not available online. I saw it with an meeting with Tecnifibre and Dieter Calle.
  15. R

    So, why do people say balls go LONG when tension drops? It is the opposite!

    Its ok! :-) i was also a bit frustrated. I often sit here annoyed by people who claim everything and think they know everything but have no understanding of it at all. I have hardly responded to anything to avoid pointless discussions because they do not take anything anyway .. I have been...
  16. R

    So, why do people say balls go LONG when tension drops? It is the opposite!

    You may disagree, I dont care. And yes, with a good tecnique you can fix it! I play with 12 kilo's and im a hard hitter and I dont hit to long often. And Yes when you drop a lot of tension you have to adjust so,e time. With a bad tecnique you wont make it. Im a high performance coach but also...
  17. R

    So, why do people say balls go LONG when tension drops? It is the opposite!

    That depends on your swing. With a good tecnique you can still control the ball.
  18. R

    So, why do people say balls go LONG when tension drops? It is the opposite!

    I also didnt know till then. Ofcourse the strokes must be hit with the same speed.
  19. R

    Best Multi for Control?

    Try stringproject Gold!! You wont regret it!!
  20. R

    So, why do people say balls go LONG when tension drops? It is the opposite!

    With less tension the ball flies longer and with more tension the ball flies shorter. The speed stays the same. Tecnifibre did a whole research project on this matter. I play with 12 kilo's in the mains and 14 kilo's in the crosses in my PT57A's and absolute no problem with depth.
  21. R

    Greatest Choke of All Time? (Poll)

    Jana Novotna! So many times during her career.. No men or women can win this from her!
  22. R

    More Durable Multifilament?

    Sorry didnt see this post. Yes Ive got it direct from the company! Tell them you're a tenniscoach ( what i am) and you get extra teststrings when you order a testbox! But the Gold is in my opinion the best and most comfortabel multifilament outthere. And its very durable!!
  23. R

    Best 95 sq in 18x20 frames?

    Not so long ago. My PT57A's are also 95 but now 98.. And for me aldo the best 18x20 frame!
  24. R

    More Durable Multifilament?

    You can try the Stringproject Gold string! Im really thrilled about that one!!
  25. R

    Best strings for elbow issues...

    Happi I feel it with every natural gut. Tried almost all of them in the past 19 years. Yes that was also my opinion about the pacific nat gut. Diadem Solstice Power in the crosses and Diadem Evolution in the mains was more comfortabele for my arm then nat gut till I tried the Gold string. And...
  26. R

    Best strings for elbow issues...

    Yes but i will try it to test it again and to feel the differences. You are welcome! Let me know what your experiences are with the Gold string. I dont think sergetti wil work in what they try to reach with their methods. I have one at 14 kilo's but thats what I wrote before. My customized...
  27. R

    Best strings for elbow issues...

    I will try them again! Play with different rackets then years ago. They ensured me they designed their own strings, but Isospeed makes them.
  28. R

    Best strings for elbow issues...

    I tried sergetti as wel but I noticed a lack of control and I hit the ball most of the time already in the sweetspot and with 12/14 kilo's thats perfect for me. With the Gold string. When I read this all back, I need to buy shares in their company[emoji1787] but its the first string that I...
  29. R

    Best strings for elbow issues...

    I know natural gut helps for 99% but there are always exceptions like myself. For a lot helps nat gut in the mains and a poly in the crosses. I wish it works for me. ( Because i love alu power, but cant play with it anymore) But no. And I can not play with high tension. I play with 12 kilo's in...