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  1. A

    String for Head Boom Pro

    I've been using Lynx Tour 1.25 with Lynx Touch 1.30 crosses (both at 46 lbs) on the 2022 Boom Pros I got on super sale. The LTouch really opens up the sweet spot (compared to Hawk Power, same tension) while the LTour maintains reasonable control and decent spin. They seem to wear very slowly...
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    Head Boom Pro 2024 Vs Head Boom Pro 2022

    1/2mm = approx. 0.020" That would be VERY thick paint.
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    Unacknowledged Double bounce at match point costs FAA the match!

    Not taking sides, but clearly as the video is actively being disputed in this very forum, this event is hardly "beyond dispute."
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    Head Lynx Tour - Official Thread

    Trying LT mains / HP crosses now on a 2022 Boom Pro. It's decently powerful, more so than with Lynx Touch as the cross but with a bit less consistency across the stringbed. Spin is good and the HP somehow creates a nice "pop" sound that adds to the experience. Having tried this combo before...
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    Head Lynx Tour vs Yonex Poly Tour Pro

    This is out of left field, but has anyone ever tried Sonic Pro as a cross with Lynx Tour? I've been experimenting with soft crosses and I know Sonic Pro is soft (and has lousy tension retention, but that may be okay in a cross). I also remember it being quite slippery. I'm looking to buy a...
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    Head Lynx Tour vs Yonex Poly Tour Pro

    Okay, I have played several matches (about 8 hours) on LTour/LTouch and have yet to see any noticeable notching. What I have noticed is that the racquet is getting pretty launchy compared to the same mains at the same tension with Velocity rather than Lynx Touch as the cross. Wondering if...
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    Head Lynx Tour vs Yonex Poly Tour Pro

    I will report back on how they age together but so far, at 46lbs both ways, the LTouch is a wonderful cross. I will say that the last time I tried LTouch I had Confidential in the mains and the LTouch sawed through it, and quickly! Very surprising for a smooth poly. It must have weird...
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    Head Lynx Tour vs Yonex Poly Tour Pro

    I'll have to try Hawk Touch. I did go ahead and string my Boom Pro with Lynx Tour mains and Lynx Touch Crosses and am thus far (two matches, 5 sets in) pretty happy with the results. Prior to this I was using Lynx Tour crossed with Velocity MLT and the difference is really surprising and...
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    Head Lynx Tour vs Yonex Poly Tour Pro

    Anybody tried crossing Lynx Tour with Lynx Touch? My elbow is leery of a full bed of LT!
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    Head Lynx vs Lynx Touch

    I think maybe it is "soft" in a direct, tension-only, stiffness measurement. It is sticky, however. I suspect that 222 comes from high-friction on the cross strings. I had Lynx Touch on a Gravity Pro with Confidential mains and the LT quickly sawed through the Confidential. Very strange for...
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    HEAD Boom Official Thread

    I found the dead response low in the stringbed (BP 2022) bothersome (guess I'm not striking consistently enough!). I put a little lead low in the hoop and fixed it right up! I'm using Lynx Tour 17 mains and Velocity 16 crosses at 46 lbs.
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    Head “Classified” (aka Hawk Power) string test impressions

    Yes, I agree that what you describe is what usually happens. Either the mains notch or the cross thins or both. However, in this case none of the above occurred. When the HP cross snapped it was at full diameter (which is weird and is the reason for my post). My stringer even commented on...
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    Head “Classified” (aka Hawk Power) string test impressions

    I have used Hawk Power as a cross a couple of times with Lynx Tour in the mains (Extreme Tour, 48 lbs). I'm not sure if it's the HP or if this particular combination but I played 5 or 6 hours a week for 2-1/2 months, not only without the strings going dead, but without any visible notching. I...
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    Head Lynx Tour - Official Thread

    Please elaborate on your experience. I'm really curious as I have had a mixed experience with Velocity (great initially, big drop in spin when the coating wears through).
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    Head Lynx Tour - Official Thread

    Can you elaborate further on how that combo performed? How did the Velocity hold up as a cross? In my experience Velocity's performance changes dramatically when the outer coating wears through. BTW, slightly off-topic, I just tried a friend's ET with a full bed champagne LT 1.25, 48lbs...
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    HEAD Extreme 360+ tour club?

    You should just keep switching, then! Pretty soon you'll be running Djokovic around the court.
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    HEAD Extreme 360+ tour club?

    Krylon is your friend!
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    Confidential hybrid and other Solinco hybrids

    I currently use Confidential 1.20 mains and Kirschbaum Pro Line II Rough 1.20 crosses. Maybe not what you're looking for but this is a spin-friendly, stable, long-lasting configuration for me, although perhaps a little under-powered. I may try substituting a multi for the PL2 at some point to...
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    Head Gravity

    I think some of the other posters are right and we're fighting Head QC. My Gravity Tour is crazy plush. The Pro, not so much.
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    Head Gravity

    Sorry you're having TE problems! Were you playing your GTour stock? It's a bit head-heavy as-is. Have you tried counterbalancing that head weight with something in the handle? That will improve the recoil weight as well and may prove more comfortable. I found my own GTour to have odd...
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    Tennis Warehouse: Head Gravity Pro, MP and S Playtest

    Ah, just found this!
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    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Babolat Pure Strike (16x19, 18x20, Tour) 3rd Gen Playtest

    Looks like I found you again, searching for "weighted Gravity MP"... Can you tell me where you put the lead and how much you used? (obviously from your balance, most weight in the handle. Any in the hoop?)
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    2019 Wilson Blade

    I know this is an ancient post I'm responding to...but did you try the Gravity Tour? How did it compare to your weighted-up MP? How did the weighted-up MP play? (others have said that it doesn't respond well to lead tape). I am currently playing GTour extended 1/4". It plays great but I...
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    At what point should restringing poly take priority over technique in terms generating topspin

    The string database on TWU tells you how much tension each string loses before stabilizing. I've used this information when using poly poly hybrids and one string will stretch a lot more than the other (i.e. increase tension on the one that stretches more). This way you at least know what to...
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    At what point should restringing poly take priority over technique in terms generating topspin

    I may have to do some more string experimentation for the mains. I like Confidential 17 and recently tried the new Lynx Touch (smooth, hard outside "shell", softer inner core) as a cross thinking that would be a nice long-lasting combination. However the smooth LT cut right into the edged...
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    At what point should restringing poly take priority over technique in terms generating topspin

    If you do try the Babolat savers, be aware that they will increase your tension by a pound or two (so maybe string a couple of pounds lower if you are picky about tension). Sometimes I add a few savers after the poly drops tension just to even the stringbed out (as the middle strings tend to...
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    At what point should restringing poly take priority over technique in terms generating topspin

    The Physics of Tennis author may have used the hard plastic "string-a-lings" made by Tourna (?). The Babolat version are made of PTFE (i.e. teflon) and definitely do not lock the strings in place. I think you may be correct in that overall friction may be slightly higher with string savers...
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    At what point should restringing poly take priority over technique in terms generating topspin

    Just a quick note on old poly becoming stiff and losing spin potential. Apparently (see TWU article on poly dying) the string elasticity doesn't change so much as the friction between strings increases and causes the stringbed to *feel* stiffer (mostly in the lateral direction, obviously) while...
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    HEAD Extreme 360+ tour club?

    Sorry I haven't gotten to this. I strained my shoulder and am letting it heal a bit before going nuts with tennis again. That said, I did remove some 3 and 9 weight from my ET and added half of it to 12 o'clock before tweaking the shoulder. The effect on spin was not subtle (with obviously...
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    Head Gravity MP vs Gravity Tour

    BTW, in the time since my last post in 2020 I have extended my GTour to push up the power a bit. I guess it did end up feeling a little underpowered (with full poly). Extending it 1/4" pushed up the swingweight 9 points (gcm^2, I think) with about a 5g increase in static weight. It plays...