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  1. G

    2.5 to 5.5: Is It Possible?

    Yep. The whole convo left me several posts ago. lol I'm good with shooting for 4.0 or 4.5 max. It'll be fun.
  2. G

    2.5 to 5.5: Is It Possible?

    Yeah.....the only way that I'll be 6'2" is if I get my knees done. lol go to 1:17 :D
  3. G

    2.5 to 5.5: Is It Possible?

    I didn't know 4.5 was where most were. I agree that it should be fun. Literally the best fun I've had with a sport.
  4. G

    2.5 to 5.5: Is It Possible?

    yeah, that's why I mentioned it. That guy's way off...
  5. G

    2.5 to 5.5: Is It Possible?

    Thank you. I'll do that. Are there leagues for my age and skill level? I thought they started at 30.
  6. G

    2.5 to 5.5: Is It Possible?

    And that's basically what I meant to get out of this. As a newbie I like to ask a ton of questions and love that I get to do that here on TT. Like I said, it was just a question and perhaps I don't fully grasp the skill level required for a 5.5. Maybe 4.5 is more reasonable and even that appears...
  7. G

    2.5 to 5.5: Is It Possible?

    I'm sorry. Who's Sureshs?
  8. G

    2.5 to 5.5: Is It Possible?

    Thanks. What would you recommend as good off-court training? And I agree with the time spent here. I'm in the office laughing at this thread . I'm new...not delusional. I play with guys that are rated at 4.0 and 4.5 and they instruct me constantly. I meet up with them 2-3 times a week.
  9. G

    2.5 to 5.5: Is It Possible?

    Hello everyone, I recently started playing tennis at the age of 26 and am completely in love with the sport. Both watching or playing it is exciting for me. Never have I ever picked up a sport like tennis and I go to the courts as much as I can. I was wondering, is it possible to go from 2.5 to...
  10. G

    Pain in Thumb/Wrist and Shoulder

    Hello everyone. I recently started playing tennis and am really liking the sport. Last night after an hour and a half training session I felt a pain in the base of my thumb to the wrist. It started irritating me during the practice but today I feel it a lot more. Aside from that I feel pain in...
  11. G

    Appropriate Racquet For Me?

    So I put together some stats to look for in a racquet to start to demo some and then wait for the right price. How's this for a beginner: 100 inch (no bigger) Head Light or Balanced (I prefer control to power) L4 (I measured my hand according to several sites and it's just over 4 1/2 inches.) or...
  12. G

    Beginner Shoes...

    Thank you everyone for your help. I went ahead and got the 996v2. I went for looks (shoot me) but I did watch the video reviews on them and they looked right for my feet.
  13. G

    Appropriate Racquet For Me?

    It's interesting you say that. Prior to being given this racquet I was using my friends Babolat 105. I don't know which one but it was black and red, very light compared to the FPK, and felt pleasant to hold. So he mentions that since we'll just be rec players that I can go for a 105 or even a...
  14. G

    Appropriate Racquet For Me?

    Thanks. Too often I over think things and begin to micromanage a thing till it becomes more of a nuisance and I get exhausted and stop. I'll work on my conditioning and technique knowing that one day I'll find a racket that suits me better but not one that does it all.
  15. G

    Appropriate Racquet For Me?

    I'm really appreciating all this feedback. The overgrip is new, just had it put on Saturday, so maybe another one will fix it. It has synthetic gut though I don't know what weight. The one training me is one of my oldest friends, he's in his 50's and has been playing for 30 years so perhaps he's...
  16. G

    Appropriate Racquet For Me?

    LOL...Did I give off the impression of being a woman? I'm a 26 y/o guy. Was it my admission of no upper body strength? I can already tell you the grip is off. It's too small. Following the guidelines in TWH I can't put my finger between the ring finger and palm. It's an L3 grip and I just...
  17. G

    Beginner Shoes...

    Thanks Uncoil! I'll look into it.
  18. G

    Appropriate Racquet For Me?

    Good morning, I just recently started playing tennis on Friday and my friend told me to come over his house. He gave me two Wilson Ultra FPK 95, from early 90's I think, and told me that they were great racquets at the time and with the technology in them they would now be considered "good". My...
  19. G

    Beginner Shoes...

    Good morning everyone, I just picked up tennis last Friday. I went to to play with some sweats and a pair of running shoes. It felt like the running shoes "stick" to the court and I had read elsewhere here that running shoes get destroyed after a short period. What pairs would you recommend to...