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  1. N

    String length for 2 piece Head Speed Pro

    This is my restring jurnal, hope this helps: "4/9/15, 69th restring, moved X2 machine upstair, Lisa's old room. Head LM MP 98,18x20, broken by Nancy, top center main, 1LM on 4/8/15 hitting. Restrung with yellow Prince Syn Gut Duraflex 16: 20 feet 6 inches on Mains, 18'' tails each side...
  2. N

    Racquets aren't made of butter - re-stringing cross string only

    I fully agree with this post. I string my own rackets, i do whatever I want to.
  3. N

    I string crosses bottom up, will 2-point mount increase risk of cracking frame?

    When I string one-piece, I string crosses bottom-up all the time. I do not care about ATW at all. The Stringing Talk Tennis people just made a big deal about it which were nonsence to me. They say it is a "No..NO", I just do not care.
  4. N

    Demoted to 3.5 due to mid-season injury - fair?

    But it hurts your ego, made you feel like a "failure" and people starts made fun of you ?
  5. N

    How to fix Gamma X-2 Flying Clamps

    I just wrap the handles with the discard/used overgrip, then no more problem.
  6. N

    Shop stringers, how are you paid?

    Racket stringing is just a hobby to me as a tennis hitter/player. If you think you can make it as a permanent job or make a living and do not have to finish college, then good luck... poor guys. LOL
  7. N

    Stringing for a proshop/at home

    I made easier money playing Poker than stringing rackets for people ...LOL
  8. N

    Stringing for a proshop/at home

    Do you have to report your "home- base" stringing income as a taxable income at all ?
  9. N

    Serving problem: not landing inside court

    Toss the balls into the court more may fix the problem.
  10. N

    Tie off knot slack

    I do not have A Drakulie Cam Action plier, I used my Home Depot Channellock plier once, with my left hand, awl with right hand. It works, but not as good... Pardon for my poor English.
  11. N

    Why is it bad to string crosses from the bottom up?

    The mains, 16 or 18 of them already installed helped keep the rackets stay strong, so tensioning the crosses " bottom up" would not crack it for sure. If the racket did crack due to bottom up stringing, then it would probably also cracks "top down" anyway, because it probably was a damaged...
  12. N

    Post Pictures of you Stringers

    I saw this machine at a local Sports Authority store In Superior, CO. I wonder if you work at that Sports Authority store ?
  13. N

    Starting Knot problems

    I do not use starting knot with stiff POLY string at all. I use starting clamp and a single haft hitch as a finishing knot with stiff POLY.
  14. N

    starting clamp with gamma x 2

    "Maxline Eagnas 1 x PP-600 Starting Clamp (PP-600) = $14.95 ------------------------------------------------------ Sub-Total: $14.95 USPS Air Shipping Rate (3-day Priority air mail delivery): $5.00 Total: $19.95 Date Ordered: Monday 10 September, 2007" For $14.95, the Eagnas Starting...
  15. N

    Any problems with cutting out unplayed string and stringing it in another racquet?

    It is your rackets, it is your strings, do what you want to do, for the experiment or for the fun of it. No need to ask for someone's opinions. They may ridicule you for being cheap myseft :)
  16. N

    Restring Crosses Only

    I'm messing around with my rackets only, for the fun of it, not just to save a few bucks.
  17. N

    Restring Crosses Only

    I do this all the time as long as the mains are still in good condition.
  18. N

    What do you guys do on pulling main below the frame?

    Pls stop making fun of the old man...
  19. N

    How long does it take to string a racquet?

    "Weave weave pull pull, weave weave pull pull" is little faster than weaving cross one ahead. I will try this next time.
  20. N

    New Video - How to weave crosses faster

    May I have the link of the video if you have it. Thanks
  21. N

    New Video - How to weave crosses faster

    For the last few crosses, recently I used the needle nose plier. It may seems slower but easy on my fingers to weave poly. Anyone else used needle nose plier to weave ?
  22. N

    Time to find some other practice partner?

    I would keep Dave as a "Play Set" partner. He is nice enough to "Play Set" against a lower skill level like you. Enjoy him and make sure he has FUN. Find and hit/drill/practice with others when you are not in the court with Dave.
  23. N

    Hey Gamma X-2 users...

    I found out after about a year owning the X2. I wasn't exited about it at all, just a little storage drawer...
  24. N

    Just $19 bucks and I'm playing lights out with this!

    I was looking for my missing cheap racket that same day, same place and now i knew what happened...LOL
  25. N

    Having problems starting mains on the X2

    I have been starting mains with X2 like this for a while and like it: Watch Drakulie's video from 1:00, pull 2 center mains at the same pull, clamp both mains with the fly clamp, then move on:
  26. N

    OHBH: why keep racquet head up during takeback?

    Gravity brings the racket down for you, you do not need to work so hard to have momentum with your FWD swing.
  27. N

    Best way to restring crosses only?

    "If it were my racket, I'd mount it very carefully and remove all the crosses and restring as usual." This is exactly what I have done recently on Gamma X2. It is the same as I just finished all the mains and ready to string the crosses in 2 piece job. The racket was happy :)
  28. N

    Going to start my very first stringjob with the X-2 tonight

    I think this link on X2 is good technique to consider:
  29. N

    Weaving crosses faster

    It takes me about 50 to 60 minutes per racket with my X2, I think I do a good stringing job, I am not in a rush at all. I string about one racket /month, I am confident and proud with my stringing jobs I am on this Forum everyday, read and learn a lot from many posters like Erwin and others...
  30. N

    Can I harvest gut from old racquets?

    "Harvesting Gut" is not funny 2 words, it is very, very precise description of what the OP was doing, may be just for the FUN of it, and I like it.