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  1. D

    Donnay Pro One 97 users club

    Has anybody else compared the Pro One Hexa to the Pro One Unibody (also Hexa) version?
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    Donnay Pro One 97 users club

    I had a pair of Ultra Tour and own a trio of Donnays Pro One Hexacore, but in 16x19 pattern and also a pair of Donnay Pro One Unibody in 16x19 pattern. Donnays feel more solid, less "hollow" to me. Ultra Tours feel crisper and more precise (due to the 18x20 pattern as well). In the end, I...
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    Donnay Pro One 97 users club

    I have 3x Donnay Pro One Hexa 16x19 (2019) and a pair of Donnay Pro One Unibody (2020). Still deciding which version I prefer, but it seems like the Pro One Hexa 2019 has a higher launch angle, and suits better to aim for regions on the court, less unforced errors, while Unibody is more precise...
  4. D

    Perfection: Wilson H19 16X19 Pro Stock

    I feel the H22's 16x19 are a bit slow on the air and "not natural", with sometimes the inertia acting against me. They have 349SW, but I guess I prefer them than my 315SW (strung) H19 16x19, which is also not so natural and feels more risky to play with (more unforced errors). My expectation is...
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    Perfection: Wilson H19 16X19 Pro Stock

    @asifallasleep, Did you try H22 and Blade Prostocks as well? I have a pair of H22 16x19, 337g, 33cm (strung), 349 SW and one H19 338g, 32.3cm (strung), 315 SW (SW already strung!) Next move is to try Blade Prostocks that are on their way, one @ 332SW and the other @ 340SW. Trying to decide...
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    New Head 2.0 stiffness feelings

    Have you tried the Pro One 97 Hexacore Unibody? If so, how does it compare to the previous version?
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    Donnay pro one limited edition made in Belgium

    Which unibody are you playing? Did you have the chance to compare Pro One Hexacore 16x19 to the Pro One Unibody 16x19? I'm considering making the switch, if differences are significant. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. D

    The Official Angell Users Club

    Did you add leather grip? What is the current final weight?
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    The Official Angell Users Club

    Did you find any similarities between ASL2 and Pure Strike? What are the main as advantages of one over the other and by what margin? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    The Official Angell Users Club

    Have you tried the Max Power on it? Just sent it for srtringing, Max Power 1.20mm mains and MSV Focus Hex 1.10mm crosses. Also looking forward that this setup will render better control than the full MSV Focus Hex 1.23mm that I was using, without loosing much spin due to the thinner gauges of...
  11. D

    Wilson H19 and Pro Stock Blade

    From your experience with Wilson Pro Stock, which one did you prefer? What were the differences/impressions you had from H19/Blade Prostock/H22? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. D

    Wilson Ultra Tour vs H19

    Would you say a H19 in 16x19 pattern (rare, but am willing to try one) would be even more interesting than in 18x20, since it already has good control? My doubt is if in 16x19 it would become more erratic, or too powerful in some way and 18x20 would be the better pattern for this frame.
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    wilson ultra tour aka h19

    Would you say a H19 in 16x19 pattern (rare, but am willing to try one) would be even more interesting than in 18x20, since it already has good control? My doubt is if in 16x19 it would become more erratic, or too powerful in some way and 18x20 would be the better pattern for this frame.
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    H22 Vs H19

    Would you say a H19 in 16x19 pattern (rare, but am willing to try one) would be even more interesting than in 18x20, since it already has good control? My doubt is if in 16x19 it would become more erratic, or too powerful in some way and 18x20 would be the better pattern for this frame.
  15. D

    Swingweight Wilson H19

    Would you say a H19 in 16x19 pattern (rare, but am willing to try one) would be even more interesting than in 18x20, since it already has good control? My doubt is if in 16x19 it would become more erratic, or too powerful in some way and 18x20 would be the better pattern for this frame.
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    Wilson Ultra Tour (Monfils)

    Are H19 foam filled? And if this also varies, what is the rule and what is the excpeption?
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    H22 Vs H19

    Are H19 foam filled? And if this also varies, what is the rule and what is the excpeption?
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    The Official Angell Users Club

    @topspn ,Does the ASL2 have a lower launch angle and better precision than both the TC100 16X19 63 RA and the TC95 16x19 63 RA? @Classic-TXP-IG MID, fantastic comparison between TC95 and TC97. Seems very coherent with other users' experiences. Do you feel the ASL2 has the potential to be close...
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    The Official Angell Users Club

    And between ASL2 and the Blade v7, how's the testing going? What does either outstrength the other and the final balance to be your main racquet is pointing in which direction for now?
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    The Official Angell Users Club

    Hi, aehjmeyer. Are you also interested in TC97? It might play in between the TC95 and the ASL2.
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    The Official Angell Users Club

    Hi everyone. After three years playing with TC95 63RA 16x19 339g 7-9pts strung, and leather grip, (no lead added), I made the move to Wilson Ultra Tour with leather grip and no lead added (!!) and am appreciating the increase in maneuverability and control, which is what I was looking for. I...
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    The Official Angell Users Club

    Interesting. I feel that the ideal shape for me would be the one like Murray's or Cueva's raquet. They do seem more proportional (less longitudinal) than the TC95...
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    The Official Angell Users Club

    Does anyone else feel the TC95 is too longitudinal (slim, or narrow)? I suspect this is one of the reasons I feel a lack of control off the frame. I am looking for a bit wider (more proportional) frame. Would the TC97 or TC97 v3 attend this requirement? Thanks.
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    Angell TC95 16x19 flexy shakedown

    So how is it going with your tests? Haven't been on the forum for a while. Is TC90 still your preferred racquet or have you gone back to the TC95 16X19 63RA? If you don't mind sharing the reasons for your preferences, it would help!
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    Angell TC95 16x19 flexy shakedown

    I placed 1g of lead today at 12, instead of 3 and 9. I had the impression that it lowered the launch angle significantly. Much more than placing at 3 and 9. This might be due to higher spin potential by placing lead at 12. Angles are more easily hit with lead at 12 as well. Sent from my...
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    Angell TC95 16x19 flexy shakedown

    I have an Angell Halo (1) reel and a Weiss Cannon New Element 500 reel (multifilament). Would they be good substitutes for Gosen? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  27. D

    Angell TC95 16x19 flexy shakedown

    I also enjoy RS Lyon on the TC95. The problem is that it looses tension much faster than other polys like Scorpion, for example. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  28. D

    Angell TC95 16x19 flexy shakedown

    Full Gosen? I'm planning on stringing RS Lyon Mains and New Element crosses. Maybe that will also lower launch angle and give more power? I've played with Scorpion/New Element for a long time and it played very well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  29. D

    The Official Angell Users Club

    However you still prefer TC 95 63, right? Any lead?
  30. D

    The Official Angell Users Club

    How about power? Is the TC97 also more powerful due to its higher stiffness?