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  1. N

    What do to at the gym to optimize for Tennis ?

    Fair point ! Overall i feel cardio is OKish. In general I m just trying to hit harder, so guess looking for a combination of flexibility/explosive strenght ?
  2. N

    What do to at the gym to optimize for Tennis ?

    Hi everyone, Given all constraints (overall time including transport cool down shower etc, ease to book courts, weather, recuperation time etc) I find that the most I can play tennis (for my situation) is about 3x a week (usually 1h, sometimes 2h) Outside of that, I usually try to go the gym...
  3. N

    What's wrong with my serve ?

    Wow I really never expected such a high volume AND quality of answers.. Thank you very very much to everyone that took the time to watch the video and make such details comments.. I am amazed and grateful, this is SO helpful ! I have summarized below the key points that you have mentionned...
  4. N

    What's wrong with my serve ?

    Hi everyone ! This is my first post here, was glad to see such a great community exists and hope to contribute as much as I can in the future. I just turned 33, played quite a bit as a kid (from 7 to 14) then broke an arm in a car accident and never really got back to playing until few years...