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  1. afeller

    One piece stringjob feels so much stiffer

    One piece or one piece ATW? If you do standard one piece, the string bed stiffness should be the same as 4 knots. If not, you do something wrong. Even if you don't tie the knot properly. You have a lot of friction of the grommets that it would only affect the last 2 mains (on 4 knots). If you...
  2. afeller

    Wilson website and the Baiardo

    I've heard this before, but it usually only happens after transportation. The problem with the connection cables is not optimally solved. This sounds like a machine that has not been well maintained or adjusted. Every machine has a drawback and if the tension head pulls his set weight, there...
  3. afeller

    Wilson website and the Baiardo

    Yes, definitely. But the P3 and P5 are not Yonex machines for me. They come from the same factory as the Head, Dunlop and co. Only the P8 and P9 are produced by Yonex itself (former Toyozouki). For me personally, it is currently the best deal. It's not as bulky as the others, you have movable...
  4. afeller

    Yonex Precision 9.0 Stringing Machine

    If you want to string Badminton too, go for Yonex P8 or P9. The Badminton kit for the new Babolat machines is a bad joke. Clamps are horrible and you cannot move the towers anyway. Wilson is ok for Badminton (if you have the version with movable towers), but still not good.
  5. afeller

    Yonex Precision 9.0 Stringing Machine

    In my opinion the full automatic clamps are more of a disadvantage than an advantage. In my world you have to release the clamp base first and then the clamp. Not the other way around. The Babolat Sensor Expert had the same system. For me, this is an absolute disqualification criteria.
  6. afeller

    Yonex Precision 9.0 Stringing Machine

    The Babolat is surely not a bad machine, but I would prefer the Wilson rather than the Babolat. There are some things that I don't like at all. But yes, the round rail system of the Babolat is really nice.
  7. afeller

    Yonex Precision 9.0 Stringing Machine

    I have not yet strung on a P9, but I have strung on a P8 and a Baiardo. The quality of the P8/P9 is significantly better. The tension head is a monster. You can set the pull and release speed separately. I would not recommend to use the full pulling speed, but the release speed is always set to...
  8. afeller

    WOW Best Tool for Cleaning Clamps

    The brush is made of a lot of glass fibers. Also they don't really grind down, rather they break in very short (sometimes also longer) parts. And normally you get replacements for it: (for Germany) Here is the pen itself...
  9. afeller

    WOW Best Tool for Cleaning Clamps

    Here in Germany we have "Läufer 1021" pens (are the same). They are made out of small glass fibers. I dip the front into a bottle of Isopropanol and clean the clamp surface with it. But be careful with it. The glass fibers breaks very easily and hurts in the skin of the hands. Use gloves when...
  10. afeller

    Ert 300. Can't decide.

    28 is quite low for a fresh strung racket. How did you strung them? Around (under) 40 lbs?
  11. afeller

    Alpha Ghost 2 Stringing Machine

    Ok, got my Head TE3300 this week (should be similar to the Alpha). I recommend to use the auto-lock function :) Because the turntable has no damping mechanism and the turntable is wobbling a lot.
  12. afeller

    Alpha Ghost 2 Stringing Machine

    Very nice Machine. But its heavier and has more technology/electronics (height adjustment, auto lock). Also the P9 is very expensive. I don't know, but for my taste a little bit too much of everything. I think it is more a machine for shops like the Babolat Sensor Expert, to impress customers...
  13. afeller

    Alpha Ghost 2 Stringing Machine

    Manually... This Yonex machine has no auto lock. And yes i know why there is a higher tension... The only thing what I want to say/show is, that you have to work very precisely with the auto lock, that you always reach 90° and the maximum tension. Otherwise you have a larger deviation from...
  14. afeller

    Alpha Ghost 2 Stringing Machine

    2nd image is with brake.
  15. afeller

    Alpha Ghost 2 Stringing Machine

    I think the auto lock feature is nice. But if you use it wrong, you will never get an consistent result. Because if the machine locks not on the same angle as before, you get another result. Normally the turntable is aligned automatically to a straight line to the middle of it (not the racket)...
  16. afeller

    Alpha Ghost 2 Stringing Machine

    Uh, tension range is from 0,1 lbs to i don't know :) The highest I measured was 40 kilos (~88 lbs) with an Babolat Sensor Dual. I think its a little bit dampened but still fluctuate. On my best machine the PT8DX it shows exactly the right values. With 20 kg it normally shows between 19,9 and...
  17. afeller

    Alpha Ghost 2 Stringing Machine

    Here is an example for the friction:
  18. afeller

    Badminton crosses strung from throat. Tennis, from head. Why?

    No, there are some Babolat rackets (and a few others also) which have only 20 mains instead of 22. Second reason: if you string Yonex Badminton rackets, two piece is a must to keep the warranty. If you send a racket with just two knots to them, they refuse it. Also with two piece you have less...
  19. afeller

    Adapters for Babolat machines when stringing oversize frames?

    Uh. The only idea I have is to drill some new holes with threads into the towers on the downside. That you can move the towers a little bit to the outside.
  20. afeller

    Adapters for Babolat machines when stringing oversize frames?

    I don't really understand it. Some pictures would be nice. You mean the shorter adapter on the right? Don't know. Bought a machine with all those adapters ;) But very easily yo 3D print it...
  21. afeller

    Adapters for Babolat machines when stringing oversize frames?

    I have two adapters. Don't know if one of them is an original. The left one is relatively easy to build yourself. Just use a aluminum flat bar with around 5 mm (5,20 mm) thickness. The pins have a diameter of 2.95 mm and are 20,85 mm apart.
  22. afeller

    Mains, Pulling tension two at a time!

    Not really. In this case you pull the racket with 100 lb against the 12 o'clock fix point on the machine. If you're pulling normally only 55 lbs.
  23. afeller

    Mains, Pulling tension two at a time!

    I love such "trying things". That means, that some people think about the process itself. And not just doing what others say. What @Goat Stringer uses is the pulley principle ( Great idea! My concerns are: Your fix point must be higher, because the Wise...
  24. afeller


    Yonex Precision Scan?
  25. afeller

    Best stringing tutorial on the internet ?

    unstrung customs is creating one actually. I think that will be a good one. But expensive.
  26. afeller

    Stringing and Coronavirus

    Actually I'm thinking about to put the rackets in a box with a ozone generator. Removes the bad smeel from the grips and normally the viruses and bacteria too. But don't know how the ozone will react with the materials of the rackets especially the grips.
  27. afeller

    Adding 10% of the mains tension for crosses?

    I string 2/3 badminton rackets. For me is 0,6 kg more on crosses the standard, not 10 %. Sometimes (and especially for my own rackets) i use 0,8 kg (~2 lbs) more. And as @Andl said, it depends on the 22x22 string pattern. I've noticed, if i strung mains=crosses, that the racket gets rounder and...
  28. afeller

    Personal Stringing Note: on diminishing tension

    Full ack... Especially every string have a different elongation. Also some holds the tension better, some will stretch easier, some are stiffer, etc... Here is an extreme example -> put 25 kg on a thin 1,25 mm steel rod. Now i will see the result of the SM. I don't like the tools as an ERT or...
  29. afeller

    Looking for anyone that owns Babolat RDC machine..

    Hmm it seems that the factor is around 0.1579 -> 100-(mm/0.1579)=RA Value Unfortunately i sold my RDC, so i cannot check this. To "rebuild" the RDC, the distance from hook to the fix point in the middle is important.
  30. afeller

    Babolat 3001 instructions

    Why three clamps?!?