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  1. NothingButNet

    Game: ABCs of Tennis

    Where's Tstsidosa? :unsure:
  2. NothingButNet

    New Adidas Barricade 2023

    I see among other things, improved ankle pods, no massive lettering or badly-placed logo on the medial side and more air for my beautiful toes
  3. NothingButNet

    New Adidas Barricade 2023

    Many prayers have been answer with this iteration. Let the tennis gods be praised
  4. NothingButNet

    Foot-faults: is it petty to call ?

    It's super super I help out by pointing it out in other people's matches, never my own
  5. NothingButNet

    Jannik Sinner update

    This is totally world class from the House of Sinner (or Gucci as it used be known)
  6. NothingButNet

    Novak (24GS) to Joma?

    Massively slept-on...their designs are sweet and the comfort is a notch above.
  7. NothingButNet

    How many are using Luxilon 4G?

    Full bed 4G original 1.25 in a Gravity Pro - tension maintenance, control and feel like nothing else I've ever used. Ever.
  8. NothingButNet

    Supergrap is popular

    SuperGrap is superb. In real life, everyone I know that's tried it pretty much switched to it (90% from Wilson Pro TBH) However I've never encountered anyone that switched from SP to WP. When I look around online, feedback/opinion is more divided though, if I'm honest.
  9. NothingButNet

    Djokovic humbles Shelton by mimicking his celebration

    Mannn, this stuff is frickin GREAT for tennis :cool:
  10. NothingButNet

    New Adidas Barricade 2023

    There's got to come a time when brands like adidas simply do away with their designers entirely and just crowdsource new ideas. Any new release would have to have millions of people absolutely raving to buy it. Too many designs are D.O.A. as it stands...
  11. NothingButNet

    New Adidas Barricade 2023

    Unpopular opinion: I hated the "adidas" spelled out, but it had more visual flow to it than the logo just plonked in the middle :confused:
  12. NothingButNet

    Tennis shoe with the most grip

    In my experience, the grippiest you can get is a clay court sole on a hard court. Sadly, there's no going back to the clay court with it after just one sesh :cry: :cry:
  13. NothingButNet

    Hypercourt Express Leather

    From other sports, I'd say the advantage vs synthetic is molding immaculately to the shape of the foot. Moisture retention and the extra care needed (proper cleaning, drying, etc to keep them from going brittle) would be cons.
  14. NothingButNet

    Your tennis shorts color inventory

    Black, white, navy, khaki.
  15. NothingButNet

    Yoxoi Apparel

    Find Japanese websites are the hardest to access from the West because of the load times...we're just not equipped :cry:
  16. NothingButNet

    How do I beat him?

    Yeah, we're both a bit late – apparently the OP's long been blown off the court o_O But it really does depend, no? Loads of people advise this because they've fallen victim or seen enough players fall victim in the past. I've seen tons of inexplicable collapses..and plenty of them come from a...
  17. NothingButNet

    How do I beat him?

    How much junk do you have? Unload it all on him – give him something he's not seen for a while. Try to impress him and show him you have nice strokes too = recipe for a tasty pair of bagels. Good luck (or bon appetit!)
  18. NothingButNet

    How can I stay healthy enough to play tennis every day?

    Absolutely. In fact, the OP wants to be able to play almost every day and @socallefty's saying he's managed to play many, many, many days in a row and is almost twice the OP's age. If I'm reading right, he's saying that more is almost certainly possible with the right approach...not that the...
  19. NothingButNet

    How to deal with sweaty hands

    All of the above but (like during this morning's muggy match in London) also squeeze around the butt of my grip with my towel to absorb the saturated sweat Works a treat
  20. NothingButNet

    The Ruud Awakening!

    Nordic Nadal looking good Will win Bastad :cool:
  21. NothingButNet

    Best grips to prevent blisters?

    Supergrap is thicker by far and has a plush feel. Tourna will likely *initially* give you blisters depending on how hard your replacement grip is. If you play without a replacement grip or play a thin leather replacement grip, Tourna will give you some nice blisters or calluses. Then it's...
  22. NothingButNet

    Any London recommendations (hitting or hitting lesson or paid hit)

    As 3loudboys suggested, Bishop's Park would be a good pick – bonus is that it's quite easy to access if you're moving around via public transport some of the time. Can be a bit hectic depending on the time of day as the courts are pretty much in a side-by-side grid. In that area - a bit less...
  23. NothingButNet

    Contest : Who is going to post the picture of the most amazing/exotic tennis court ?!

    That minty-teal colour alone is live-giving...! I'm in love!!
  24. NothingButNet

    Guangzhou, China: July 8-11

    A friend of mine from Taiwan (who I met at my club in London) just spent a few months there on a work placement - just missed him!
  25. NothingButNet


    Probably picked up this tip here about 5 years ago – prunes. Pop one or two at changeovers if you've been sweating more than usual. Works like a miracle and you can forget them in your tennis bag all summer long and they'll still be in perfect shape. Just like you
  26. NothingButNet

    Your favourite socks

    Got all the padding and the tech – I'd go for that if I were in the market
  27. NothingButNet

    Your favourite socks

    It's got to be this: The top wasn't anatomically-shaped at the time, nor were there any pads on the Achilles bit, but yeah...