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  1. kramer woodie

    Every player is a vulture (sarcasm on level of play discussions/beliefs)

    Vultures only scavenge the dead or circle above waiting for death. Lack the killer instinct or ability. Therefore, the next generation has very little chance, while the Old Top Pros can still move. Shalom
  2. kramer woodie

    The Partner that Won't Move Over

    Solution is simple! Don't with younger women who are skinnier and can actually better tighter view when you play back! Shalom
  3. kramer woodie

    Most annoying mannerism/expression

    FRV3 If you are annoyed by swagger? Then John Millman walking around should drive you mad. He has a banty rooster, peacock strut. Shalom
  4. kramer woodie

    Serve approach with sore shoulder

    mxmx If you can hold your upper arm parallel with your shoulders, reach over with your non serving hand and press your fingers into the fleshy part of your shoulder between the top of the upper arm bone and the shoulder socket. You should be able to feel the bicep tendon where it travels over...
  5. kramer woodie

    Serve approach with sore shoulder

    mxmx Back in the 1960s, I had shoulder issues. I found I was trying to contact the ball as high in the toss as I could. This resulted in the upper arm of the serving arm getting to vertical in relationship to the height of my shoulder. Thus I was pinching the bicep tendon against the shoulder...
  6. kramer woodie

    Tennis doesn't build character.......

    Whether tennis builds character or not is debatable. However, the tennis match that I saw showing the most outstanding character traits was the match between Monfils versus Brown. The most enjoyable tennis match I have ever seen. Both displayed an appreciating honest character, for the game and...
  7. kramer woodie

    Formula 1

    Dan Lobb You seem to forget, yes ban people, however, those calling for people to be banned, expect that they being enlightened should survive! Reminds me of the movie Matrix, humans are a virus and destory, etc.. Seems to me so called enlightened humans would try to find a way to improve...
  8. kramer woodie

    Formula 1

    Dan Lobb The greenies have their own propaganda. Just look at wind power. The blades are made from fiberglass and when they stress fracture have to be replaced. Where do those old blades go? Some to a landfill in Wyoming and are buried...fiberglass does not breakdown...or grounded up and added...
  9. kramer woodie

    Right leg sticks out on serve...what's the basic error causing this?

    S&V-not_dead_yet My having my competition years in the 1960s and 70s, and being self taught watching Poncho serve and coping his serve, pin point came easy. Power came easy! Control came easy! That big step forward with the back foot to the front foot increased body momentum towards the net...
  10. kramer woodie

    Right leg sticks out on serve...what's the basic error causing this?

    Ken Sortaplay Who have you seen that is a decent player use this type of cross the back foot past the front foot and open the chest and hips to the net before striking the ball? None!!! You should be able to correct this bastardize pin point service motion without help from other...
  11. kramer woodie

    What are your most heartbreaking experiences as a sports fan?

    The opening monologue to Wide World of Sports, showing the agony of defeat, of an Olympic Ski Jumper falling on the jump ramp over and over again. However, I just received an E-mail of the following, which is a sad reminder of today's Sad sports commentary: "We need to be heard!!!.....Lets...
  12. kramer woodie

    Friend who can't serve trying to give serve advice

    teitat You are very lucky to have someone put up with you!!!! Back in the 1960s, my high school tennis ladder had 72 people trying to make the Jr. Varsity team, plus 10 guys on the JV team. I begged to be allowed to join the class even though the teacher said he had to many students. I started...
  13. kramer woodie

    Why doesn't my kick move to the side after bounce?

    Shroud You said it. Yes, you have a sucky twist serve. Now I must admit at the age of 74, so do I!!! For the past 8 years, I have had the pleasure of being able to hit with a retired ATP x-Pro, who is now in his mid 40s. Here is what an American Twist Serve is really like. First, his serve is...
  14. kramer woodie

    Why doesn't my kick move to the side after bounce?

    Lots of good comments. However, being too technical will keep you from developing a good American Twist Serve. So let us look at some history of this serve. In the 1960s players where hitting this serve with 65 inch wooden racquets. Their service stance, because of one foot had to remain...
  15. kramer woodie

    Why doesn't my kick move to the side after bounce?

    Ken Sortaplay Let me know how it goes. There is a lot more you need to know. But, first I want to hear your results. Shalom
  16. kramer woodie

    Why doesn't my kick move to the side after bounce?

    Heavy strong pronation also with wrist deviation across the face of the ball and finishing over the top of the ball to the right away from you. You might try using less power (quit trying to hit hard) and instead think of hitting a lob with side spin. Once you have the mechanics down you can try...
  17. kramer woodie

    Yonex replacement grip

    Over the last few years, I have always replaced the original Yonex synthetic grips the very day I bought a new racquet. Why? Simple, using a Yonex over grip, I found when replacing the over grip the old over grip tore the surface of the the synthetic base grip. Therefore, I would replace the...
  18. kramer woodie

    Is your local USTA league having you sign a waiver ?

    With your hot wind blowing around, smoke won't linger, but thank you, karen for your opinion. It is nice to have acreage to smoke upon and be isolated from the fruits and nuts and karens. It does amaze me the number of tennis players who play on courts adjacent to road ways and breath in auto...
  19. kramer woodie

    Is your local USTA league having you sign a waiver ?

    No you idiot!!! If I wanted to smoke, I always went outside and if people were around asked if my smoking bothered them before lighting up!!! If it did bother them I moved further away. Besides, when on an airplane, can not very well go outside to smoke, so why smoke when on an airplane...
  20. kramer woodie

    Experienced players; what do you know now, that you wish you'd known when you started tennis?

    Tennis is just a game!!! However, there is an entry price some never want to pay. Shalom
  21. kramer woodie

    Is your local USTA league having you sign a waiver ?

    I think this screams loudly about USTA needing to protect themselves from players who may sue them for getting sick. A quick easy money grab by those who want to blame others for their own misfortune, instead of assuming responsibility for one's own decisions. You can see it everyday, the lack...
  22. kramer woodie

    One of the hardest shots to master in the tennis?

    In my years of playing, the down-the-line one handed backhand, whether topspin or slice was my favorite shots. It is really simple to execute both, Just keep the hips perpendicular to the net. Don't rotate and open the hips. Plus, take the ball out in front of your front foot and move forward...
  23. kramer woodie

    Done with full bed gut. Way too harsh!

    I played with full bed natural gut in the 1960s using a 15 ounce Kramer Autograph. I strung Victor Blue Twist 16 gauge at 72-73 pounds of tension. The longest main strings were only 10 and 7/8 inches long and the longest cross strings were only 7 and 7/8 inches before they entered the frame...
  24. kramer woodie

    Andrew Harris : Roger Federer Is A Selfish Person

    Now if this Harris character is really ranked somewhere below 200 and was quoted, "Serena Williams is real selfish", I would have no trouble believing he knows what he is spotting off about. Ha, ha!!!!~ Shalom
  25. kramer woodie

    Anyone use Full Poly at super low tension for arm safe alternative to gut?

    E46luver I play a Yonex SV98plus 27.5 inch using 17L ga W/C Red Ghost a soft co-ploy strung hybrid at 37 pounds mains/35 pound cross. Plenty of pop. spin, control. Can hit with topspin, flat or slice. I use low tension full bed ploy because I am 74 years old. Easy on the arm, but you have to...
  26. kramer woodie

    being forced...

    You should be smart enough to understand FICA is not Federal Income Tax. I hope! Fica is your contribution to society, both SS and Medicare were instituted by Democrats. FDR for SS and LBJ's Great Society for Medicare. So if you have a problem, take it up with these two Democratic Party...
  27. kramer woodie

    being forced...

    Famous Obama quote: "You didn't build that, government did!" What Obama forgot was government can not build anything without first confiscating tax dollars from people who work and or pay Federal Tax Dollars. As for paying Federal Tax Dollars we all do, except 50% of the payees receive a 100%...
  28. kramer woodie

    I am staying in Vegas !!!

    Dedans Penthouse Would not a vasectomy be a better option than a condom? Shalom
  29. kramer woodie

    Do you use supplements?

    phl92 My preferred supplements are single malt scotch, pepsi, and cigarettes! Now at the age of 74 years of age, I ask myself why change what has been successful for me. Shalom