Search results

  1. M

    Gamma X-2 - will new clamps like the Pro Stringer clamps be a big improvement?

    Coming from a hobby stringer I have to say you need to start somewhere. I was bored of waiting for the return of my racquet so thought I might give it a go - however there was no way I was going to spend 1000's on a 'proper' machine (debatable even then at what price point they become proper)...
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    Gamma X-2 - will new clamps like the Pro Stringer clamps be a big improvement?

    I dont have a huge amount of experience with other machines but the clamps on my Tennisman are amazing. Previously had a basic Pros Pros and then bought upgraded clamps from AliEx which were great but the diamond coating was maybe not the best.
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    Tools for new stringer (after much research)

    FWIW I sting only a few racquets a month but I use: Some cheap flat electrical cutters Old starting clamp to help with pulling The knockoff chinese starting clamp for starting the mains - so far still really good imho 2"...
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    Looking for ~$1500-2000 stringer

    Congratulations on your purchase - it is lovely, I had been swinging back and forth on a few machines but went with the DLE v3 as well following DDs post. They were out of stock at the time and took months before coming back in. I have only done a few frames since it arrived but love it - in...
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    What stringing machine should I get for under 2000$?

    That is how I started a couple of years ago, was bored of waiting a week or two for mine to come back and thought about stringing. I bought a second hand drop weight which served me very well until only a few weeks ago when I finally purchased the Tennisman machine mentioned in here a few times...
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    What stringing machine should I get for under 2000$?

    Very happy having upgraded to my TENNISMAN StringMaster Deluxe LE Electronic v3. Was on a very well used basic ProPro drop weight and the new machine is such a lovely upgrade, a little closer to your budget and comes from Germany so not sure on your importing but they do ship to any anywhere -...
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    New Machine! StringMaster Deluxe LE V3

    Yup I will badger the others I play with to get theirs restrung now that our league season has finished so hopefully get a few strung on there over the next month. I will try and do a proper writeup once I have a few more on there along with some photos of anything of interest - the clearest...
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    New Machine! StringMaster Deluxe LE V3

    Keeping it short but I have finally got my machine! It was out of stock for quite a while but eventually I was able to place the order and a few weeks later I have it all setup and have done my first stringing job. It is such a jump in quality and capability from my drop weight and so happy I...
  9. M

    How can I revive a neglected Laserfibre MS200? (Stringway ML100)

    Yup Wes is right, vinegar is great at removing rust and I have done that numerous times with 2nd hand tools. Soak them the items (as mentioned you might need to soak a rag and then leave on top of rusted parts) and then you can use other rags to clean or if its really stuck then wire brush. Try...
  10. M

    String Measurement vs. String pattern....

    I have always been paranoid about getting the right length and so measure out for each as required as per - never failed me but yes it takes a little longer - however I am only doing a few racquets a week but I could imagine if you were doing more then the time would add up.
  11. M

    New Machine! StringMaster Deluxe LE V3

    Thank you again for clear and concise information. From what I have read I agree that the machine appears to punch above it's weight. My only other options were going cheaper with the Pros Pro hornet or 7600 with a Wise and I feel happier paying more for something that is better quality. I...
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    New Machine! StringMaster Deluxe LE V3

    Sorry for resurrecting an old thread but I was wondering if you are still happy with the machine @diredesire ? They are hopefully back in stock soon and I believe it's still a great machine for the money. I am a casual stringer (100 frames a year maybe) but I want to replace my very basic drop...
  13. M

    Mark the Racquets that You String for Customers❗

    Someone has been drinking their mountain moonshine a little too much I think
  14. M

    Mark the Racquets that You String for Customers❗

    I think I will continue to echo what others have said, it is the shop you have a problem with and not an individual stringer. You explain the situation with the shop and ask for any alternative you may require. I am a player primarily but now also string for myself and others at my club so they...
  15. M

    Machine Calibration

    I have a drop weight machine that is only brought out when I need it (roughly once a week), I remove the weight every time I store it. So even if the tension is the same between racquets I am re-calibrating. Ok ok so maybe not quite what you were after and mine is a little jokey. I do however...
  16. M

    Setting accurate drop weight tension

    I dont have a lock and so I have a small loop of string off one end of my tension meter which I put on the 12 o'clock, and then a loop of string out of the other end which I pass either side of the 6 o'clock mount - this effectively locks the bed.
  17. M

    Setting accurate drop weight tension

    As you say attach some string to the fish or luggage measure and clip it on the mounting. Then use the grippers to hold the string and get the weight bar horizontal - at horizontal you can then read the result from the measure and that shows you the # pull at that weight distance. You then have...
  18. M

    Rubbish Starting Clamp

    Just to add my 2 cents I purchased one just recently as my pros pro one was not great. So far I love it and its so much nicer but will see how long the grip lasts on it as its a knockoff. But certainly far cheaper than a proper Yonex or Kimony
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    New Machine! StringMaster Deluxe LE V3

    It will be 20%... That is what the stupid 51% of our country voted for based on a whole load of lies so that is what I will have to pay. However if I didn't pay it on import then it would have been added to cost of the machine at source or at best done sorry of government subsidy. I am aware...
  20. M

    New Machine! StringMaster Deluxe LE V3

    Great write up, I have been waiting for a while to replace my basic drop weight machine but I also only string between 50 and 100 frames a year just for myself and friends at the club. I had come across this machine from other comments on this forum and your post has helped 'seal the deal' that...
  21. M

    Gripper on drop weight scruffing strings

    I still check the pulled weight but yes drop weight won't change unlike any spring driven system (electric or crank). I just found the stuck on markers to be slightly off. I only mention if it's worth checking the pulled tension is correct as marked. Limiting the grip was definitely my last...
  22. M

    Stringmaster Deluxe with Wise

    Yeah I will be finally looking to upgrade my drop weight and had my eyes on these but so far the deluxe has been out of stock for quite a while. Need to contact them to see if its EoL or just a supply issue.
  23. M

    Gripper on drop weight scruffing strings

    I have a second hand very used Pros Pro Challenger II and had a problem with it initially pinching the strings in the grippers (and resulting in a few breakages) My post here. I resolved it by not only wrapping the string around the drum but also sticking a small block between the drum and the...
  24. M

    UK where do you buy your strings?

    Not sure if against TW rules but I was wondering where stringers in the UK prefer to buy their strings from? I string for myself and my local club and like to buy a couple of reels at a time so definitely not a bulk buyer. So far I have mostly used Racquet Depot and Tennis Point although the...
  25. M

    Interesting racquet to string - Rox Pro Space T1

    Not sure if anyone cares but my customer and I finally managed to get a date arranged to restring this racquet and I had fun this morning doing so. @LOBALOT thank you for your comment, I meant to say I went and read the other thread and the comments were mostly applicable to this racquet and...
  26. M

    Interesting racquet to string - Rox Pro Space T1

    Hi all, I have been asked to string an interesting racquet, its a Rox Pro Space T1 with the unusual support arms through the strings. The racquet seems in good shape itself and I think I am happy to give it a try but there is very little information out there about tips on how it should be...
  27. M

    Soft polys for tennis elbow

    My two cents is that for a lower skill customer who wanted something like this I ended up with a hybrid of MSV Swift in crosses with a basic synthetic gut in the mains. Been a few months so far and they said it felt better on their arm.
  28. M

    String gripper pinching string

    Thanks all for input. I should mention this machine isn't one where you wrap the string around the drum, the way the gripper is mounted prevents this 'nicely' however I did test and I can do a wrap which does indeed seem to reduce the pinch. I however went with a more precise method of adding a...
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    String gripper pinching string

    Yes when inspecting I can see it broke right at the end of the crimp, interestingly I thought originally it was just a fluke but when restringing I noticed the crimp on that particular main lands right on a return and I can only imagine that is the reason. I have the racquets myself strung...
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    String gripper pinching string

    Thanks Irvin, I should add I am only doing this as a hobby for myself and a few others at the club. I would love to get a far better machine but she who must be obeyed is being obeyed ;) I am seeing that there probably isnt much I could do but will see if I can continue to get some pulls out of...