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  1. L

    Racquet advice low intermediate

    Do not disagree, the problem depends on what string is being used. It is just slightly harder to correct with an Aero. TO me hitting long just means an opportunity to play more efficiently or to add more topspin.
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    IntuitiveTennis misinformation about stiff rackets etc

    Not saying anything about how you play:) In the end tension and poor technique are the largest factors. Just depends on which way you get there. Death gripping a racquet and using tense muscles is likely to cause injury. Using a racquet too advanced for the player is likely to force use too...
  3. L

    Gravity pro auxetic vs 360 +

    360+ is slightly crisper. Aux slightly muted. I didn't see a reason to change from the 360+ to the Aux version. Basically a minor feel change mostly. I would play with either if they were given to me. I wouldn't feel a huge desire to switch if I had one or the other. I honestly think it is...
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    Racquet advice low intermediate

    How is his foot work is he normally late to the ball? Aero can be controlled but you need to be able to control the amount of spin/power. Not something easy to learn. Main concern for me and the aero is trying to reign in the power with too much tension can be problematic on the body. In the...
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    Does anyone notice a difference between the 2022 Head Speed Black/White and the 2023 Head Speed Black?

    Always hard to understand vibration complaints from a distance. I would just normally use the racquet to then make a choice on what to do. Typically you will feel more with a denser string pattern. Try a second version of the Speed Pro. Mp has extra pop and a slightly different sweet spot so...
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    Tension Made Me Cramp says Alcaraz

    Take quite a bit of planning/sacrifice to come out at peak performance everyday for a tourney. Carlos wasn't playing efficiently. He was trying to brute force it. You would have to be seriously athletic to understand. Novak is older and wiser. He made the same mistakes in his youth.(typical of...
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    Tension Made Me Cramp says Alcaraz

    If you move at a higher pace than normal 2 hours is an insanely long time. Try running a marathon at a higher than typical pace and get back to me:)
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    Who would have won if Alcaraz didn’t get injured

    Normally happens to people carrying extra muscle or who are using too much muscle while playing. Assuming everything else equal. Stress and tension can also be a significant factor. Basically the goal is always to move in a relaxed tension free state. Otherwise things tend to go sideways. Carlos...
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    Tension Made Me Cramp says Alcaraz

    Tenision is bad as it ruins efficiency and normally forces the body out of alignment, which then makes things worse. Peaking for marathon distance tends to be ~30 years old. Novak played at a high level and simply wore out his opponent. It will be interesting to see if Carlos can get over his...
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    Tsitsipas claims Alcaraz was “Great, not exceptional” and will stop napping before matches

    It really is difficult to master everything needed to be a exceptional professional tennis player. I recall watching Novak early in his career and being amazing at how well he could hit the ball. Only to be disappointed that his level would drop so low so quickly. I thought it was sad that...
  11. L

    How Many Accomplished Tennis Players Would Agree With My Pickleball Rule Changes?

    Always nice to hear how other play. Our rotations are more random than yours. SO the good players can't just play other good players. WE never had trouble with new members as we had a quite a few players who didn't mind playing with new players. Monthly membership is going to be difficult. Once...
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    How Many Accomplished Tennis Players Would Agree With My Pickleball Rule Changes?

    Not everyone is in a rush? The game would maybe feel too short. Ignoring the best of three a game is what 10-25 minutes normally? How long is a set in tennis? How long should a game be? If players like it they will switch...
  13. L

    How Many Accomplished Tennis Players Would Agree With My Pickleball Rule Changes?

    The three groups I play with never sorted open play.(20+ players) They simple rotate. Group ranges from players which win at the 5.0 level down to people who walked in today. Very new players might get pulled to the side and rotated among the nicer players. Pro game influences even rec play. How...
  14. L

    How Many Accomplished Tennis Players Would Agree With My Pickleball Rule Changes?

    Why play pickleball then? Just play one of the many Tennis light games. The reason pickleball is doing well is almost anyone can play and do reasonably well. IF you make the game seriously "athletic" it ruins that point. It is easy to set up courts and handle a large number of players. Making...
  15. L

    Intermediate player - Need a new racket, but which one?

    Add the Speed Mp to the list stable, works well with two handed backhands. Great at going between offense and defense. Stable at net. I did prefer the 360+ versus over the 2022, but enjoy both.
  16. L

    Good/bad OHBH Tweener racquets???

    I also like the Speed MP 360+/2022 racquets. The nice stability of the racquet makes it a joy to use with one handed backhand. Gravity Pro also works well with one handed backhand, but you need a little extra burst at the start of your typical swing. Nothing wrong with the racquets the OP is...
  17. L

    if you can *measure* swingweight...why bother at all with balance-pt?

    SW tells me the resistance to be swung. Balance point tells me how it likes to me moved/swung. Head heavy tends to like classic smooth strokes. Head lights can whip a little easier. I rather have too much information then not enough.
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    Why are there no control string patterns in spin friendly frames?

    Problem is they Original Posters wants all three...max spin, power and control.
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    Why are there no control string patterns in spin friendly frames?

    Really hard to have all three. Control and Spin/Control and Power tend to work against each other. Stiff frames and dense patterns also tend to be hard on the player. Advance players normally tend to prefer a more neutral racquet and to add their own spin versus having free spin. It gives them...
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    Best Yonex Racket for Arm Issues?

    Basically going from a high powered racquet to low powered is potentially a problem. They would be better off staying high powered and using softer strings or stringing for extra pop(vcore). This sounds spot on for what likely happened. They might have also had some issue as there is a reason...
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    Best Yonex Racket for Arm Issues?

    New racquets normally increase risk of arm issues. Players tend to play more. They often change their swing. Often try to hit harder and test the racquet out. Flex might throw them off. Likely more misshits. Timing is normally slightly off. Might try new strings/tension. Age also effects how...
  22. L

    What is your best pound-for-pound racquet?

    Gravity S as well. Both great 104s.
  23. L

    Best Yonex Racket for Arm Issues?

    What strings are you using? How often to do you play and for how long? how often do you restring? Are you still competing? Tendon issues tend to be mostly related to strings. Some racquets have less margin for what strings are in it. Secondary issue is grip. If you are using a death grip versus...
  24. L

    Serious Question: How does an opponent deal with scream-yelling like Sabalenka’s

    They aren't wrong but it would depend on the distance from the plane.(type of plane as well). They could've intended the sound while on a plane during a takeoff that would be close. I honestly think they were just trying to make it seem louder. Still in the old days the grunting was pretty loud.
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    Serious Question: How does an opponent deal with scream-yelling like Sabalenka’s

    Depends on which plane we are discussing. Jets are 140-165 decibel range. 100 decibels would be a jet taking off in the distance. I would say a gas lawn mower might be a better easier way to compare, but then again distance and model make a difference...maybe an outboard motor.
  26. L

    ADV jetpack bags available again!

    They are nice bags, the V2 looks great. Sad I have too many bags already.
  27. L

    Fell in Love then lost love for KSwiss Hypercourt Supreme/Express

    The nice thing about the Supreme is it has such a nice heel lock that a slightly wide forefoot should not be problematic. IF it is you can likely fix it with a thicker sock/double sock.
  28. L

    Fell in Love then lost love for KSwiss Hypercourt Supreme/Express

    Always going to depend on the shape of foot and the sizing. My older shoes I never noticed it, but I haven't purchased any recently. My toes don't hit that area.
  29. L

    Swiatek just got KOed

    Some cultures are more oriented to say the "truth", others are oriented towards being polite. Some a combination of both. Combine that with some players are taught to look at what they could do to change the outcome of the match. The next factor is fans will always berate whichever way rival...
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    Swiatek just got KOed

    Iga has trouble with a certain type of players. She also tends to just play her game and it works or it doesn't. She still has a great overall win percentage and has room for improvement. When she is firing on all cylinders it is fun to watch her play. So far I rather have Iga's career.