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  1. M

    should I be feeling guilty?

    This is basically it - but comparing this obvious strategy to chess is a joke. But it does also depend on social rules to help the weaker female player. If a guy is standing 2 inches from the net and I get a ball that is bouncing high or a swinging volley right in front of them I am hitting to...
  2. M

    Ugly moments

    Disagree here. I think Tennis players are often spoiled brats so it is hard to blame the sport. I can’t even watch the pros as even the men are often such prima Donnas it’s hard to stomach. I only know a few that started as adults. They seem fine.
  3. M

    DQs for mixed next year?

    Interesting so someone may have 2 strikes in mixed but not get bumped based the different adult rating scale and then get dqed for everything after a single mixed rating match. USTA is a mess.
  4. M

    Do you ‘like’ many of your doubles partners?

    I don’t mind when my partner lacks skills. But I don’t like when they don’t try their best (don’t hustle) or choose start a match with injury with me as their partner when they could have let the captain know before hand. I always give my best effort. Sometimes I play poorly but that is to be...
  5. M

    should I be feeling guilty?

    It would seem very likely since 4.5 males tend to slightlyoverperform for their rating at mixed 8.0. So it would seem if a 4.5 male wanted to get a bump to 5.0 they would do well to play 8.0 mixed.
  6. M

    is an 11 UTR really a 4.5 NTRP?

    I think this minimizes the huge overlap in actual usta ratings. That said if I had to pick hard cut offs these seem reasonable for my area - at least at the lower end that I’m more familiar with. But I don’t know any 3.0 male players with a 2.xx or lower reliable utr. Even the one usta 2.5 guy...
  7. M

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    Interesting. Any idea what your utr has been? I think having a player with about 4.5 strength playing in 7.0 mixed would really help the team. Even regular 4.0 players far outperform their rating when playing 7.0 mixed.
  8. M

    how does one determine precisely which USTA leagues count toward NTRP?

    Even if we didn’t pay USTA makes huge profits on their monopoly control of the pro game. They are supposed to use those profits to promote tennis. Instead they make us pay for these confusing leagues and it takes them years to get basic things done poorly. For example, Tennis link does not...
  9. M

    how does one determine precisely which USTA leagues count toward NTRP?

    With respect to a singles tournament even the guy running it couldn’t tell me. Then you have usta wtn events. They usually would not count toward your ntrp.
  10. M

    Rick Neher Medium Article

    Some of the article I agree with some I don’t and some I’m not so sure. He says: 1) Behave like a real non-profit and disclose all numbers 100%. 2) Reduce the organization to 1/4 of its size. Sell Lake Nona and focus on running the US Open. Maximum executive salaries $250K. No more funds are...
  11. M

    Tri Level Kudos

    I think Local rules can vary and even section rules can vary. But once you get to nationals in Tri level everyone has to be the assigned level (or .5 below playing up)..
  12. M

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    I’ll bite. 9 separate grievances when you weren’t even playing? Fess up. What did you do to make so many people angry?
  13. M

    Former D2 Player (full scholarship) Self Rates 2.5 and Enters 2.5 and 3.0 Tournament

    Personally I think it’s pretty funny. It seems he did it for a laugh. Not as good as the professor for basketball but still I would have a laugh if I played him. Us lower level players can’t take tennis too serious and this is beyond sandbagging into ridiculousness.
  14. M

    Recent Drop in UTR?

    Deleted by user
  15. M

    Recent Drop in UTR?

    I don’t pay for the service but it seems like about 12 of 15 players that were 5.xx in my area are now 4.xx. I’m not sure if the women’s ratings dropped as well. In 3 years I think WTN will be my pick as the most informative rating system for adult rec players. It already makes the most...
  16. M

    Recent Drop in UTR?

    It seems the men in my area all had a substantial drop in their UTR. Only 2 3.5 players that weren't bumped to 4.0 have a 5.XX rating. The rest all have 4.XX and 3.XX. This seems to be considerably different then when I looked a few days ago. Anyone else notice this, or is this just my own...
  17. M

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    Looking at the absolute numbers is good but to appreciate the difference in behavior you also need to understand the total numbers at each level. For example, I'm not sure if this is still accurate but it appears (as of 2018) there are about 3xs as many 3.0 female players as male players...
  18. M

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    USTA won’t allow that. For mixed teams that end .0 you can’t be more then one point different then your partner. I wanted to play 8.0 with a 5.0 female and they wouldn’t let me.
  19. M

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    I'm not saying they did the math wrong. I am saying that if a player has a better rating that does not mean they are a better tennis player. My UTR and WTN ratings are based exclusively on USTA matches. These ratings and USTA do not always agree about who should have a stronger rating even...
  20. M

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    It could be variations in area. It could also be that you have a decently strong 3.5 team. It could also be that the players who end up at USTA 3.5C ratings but are playing at under 4.5 UTR strength don't get asked to be on many 3.5 teams and if they are asked would prefer not to play...
  21. M

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    TR has a huge problem with how it deals with Self rated players. That tends to throw off other calculations they do to some extent. But overall the algorithm they use is pretty good at predicting strength of play. For example if you take say a 3.5 USTA men's team the top 1/3 of players...
  22. M

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    That assumes USTA ratings are 100% accurate. But if you think UTR is at least as accurate as NTRP then you get a different picture. It is true we have fewer players and matches then other areas. I believe less data means less accurate ratings, but not necessarily inflated ratings. The...
  23. M

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    I guess that is how I feel at 3.0. I play these guys with a 4.5+ UTRs and somehow they are still USTA 3.0. I figure if I am going to play someone with that high of a UTR I might as well be playing in a 3.5 league. the top 10% of 3.0 male players are better then 70% of 3.5 male players. It...
  24. M

    Share your WTN - Crowd sourcing the NTRP to WTN mapping

    19 matches in a row huh? At the frequency you play rated tennis matches that should take us back to 1987. Did they record stats back then? Maybe you have microfiche archives of your tennis scores? No doubt the travlerajm system seems to be blowing up the UTR's servers.
  25. M

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread It is interesting that 9.5% get bumped up and on 5.6% get bumped down. You would think that people normally overestimate their ability so more would be bumped down when mathematics passes judgment on their...
  26. M

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    It is possible that with a larger pool of players and matches, the levels tend to narrow out more then when you have fewer players and matches. But I still tend to think the UTR graph I posted above accurately shows the overlap in levels. It would be nice if UTR did a new graph and explained...
  27. M

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    That would be a good way to do it. USTA would not need to give the whole dynamic rating (although they should) they could just put a mark next to people that are eligible to play up or something like that. As a captain that would be very nice because when I choose some 3.0 players (but not...
  28. M

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    Well it allows teams to fill out their roster. Plus the overlap between skill levels from 3.0-4.0 on the men's side is considerable. I tend to play better when people around me are playing better. The problem is someone with a UTR of 4.60 could be a USTA 3.0, 3.5 or even a low end 4.0. I...
  29. M

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    From my perspective (which I know is not necessarily common) I am a 3.0 that would love to play in a 4.0 league if I could. But I also value my rating - to the extent a 3.0 can say he values his rating. So if someone who can play like an upper end 3.5 is throwing games to drive down their...
  30. M

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    In my area 3.5 men are a dime a dozen. We have two local 18 and over 3.5 teams and a 40 and over team plus, 6.5 combo and lots of mixed doubles and tri-level that a 3.5m could play in. Yet we do not have *any* 4.0 adult leagues for men and we only have one 3.0 league for men. That 3.0 league...