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  1. Addxyz

    How do you handle short low angles in doubles?

    Lob would be the easy way. If you want to mess with the net guy's head, you can wind up like you're going to hit a slice, then open the face up to slice down the line. There have been times where I'm playing ad side and I get lazy and backhand slice cross court. The opponent net guy will...
  2. Addxyz

    Adding weight to Tecnifibre TFight 305 2025 handle

    Replace the butt cap with one that has a trap door. Many threads on this.
  3. Addxyz

    Technifibre Butt Cap Modifications

  4. Addxyz

    Technifibre Butt Cap Modifications
  5. Addxyz

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    What helped me was a video from one of the stringers here- before you pull last main, weave in the first 2 crosses. Then you won't have to deal with pushing through a blocked CAP hole.
  6. Addxyz

    norcal suspensions

    Norcal goes to town on the the punishments here, but turns a blind eye to the other teams' systematic manipulations.
  7. Addxyz

    Cream alternative?

    Tru Pro Ghostwire.
  8. Addxyz

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    @ACT seemed to have good marks for the new TFight 305 also.
  9. Addxyz

    norcal suspensions

    He's probably referring to if there will be the same level of suspensions at the National level or at other sections. If it's the team I think he's talking about, they won last year, didn't win this year.
  10. Addxyz

    norcal suspensions

    He's referring to being based out of a certain park in the area.
  11. Addxyz

    norcal suspensions

    A local church also had captains suspended. I don't want to sound racist, but some of these teams are very easy to spot.
  12. Addxyz

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    I thought it was above average, but I just wasn't a fan of the color (yes, I'm vain).
  13. Addxyz

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    I have an EZ98 in the rotation, but it's currently strung with gut/poly. I enjoyed Lynx Tour in it previously. I've though about O-toro for a while, but the non-discounted price is in the mid to approaching bougie string territory. Too bad I couldn't make up my mind when it was on sale during BF. :(
  14. Addxyz

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Love the stats. However, I only think Toroline is big amongst the younger folks (content creator generation) because of their social media presence. Don't most of these content creators also have affiliate links with them? I've never used Toroline, so I have no dog in this.
  15. Addxyz

    Head Prestige MP 2023 18x19 vs Head TGT 345.2 16x19

    Aren't these different sticks? The TGT345.2 is the Prestige Pro in 16x19. That's 98 sq in, not the 99.
  16. Addxyz

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Did you sign up for the Prestige Pro 16x19 playtest?
  17. Addxyz

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    I hope so! I have some to sell. Lol.
  18. Addxyz

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    People complained about the 2021 wrecking arms, but I haven't had any issue with gut / poly. I think @taylor15 usually uses gut / poly also. 2021 provides a tiny bit more pop. 2023 is more muted and that cancels out the softer feeling. PJ on 2021 is better!
  19. Addxyz

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Been using the 2021 and 2023 for most of this year. Great sticks.
  20. Addxyz

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    16x19 was introduced with v2 (previous gen). The new one was the 290g?
  21. Addxyz

    SF, near Stanford.

    I'm game. @PrinceYonex ?
  22. Addxyz

    Still available at TW: an interesting (but mostly useless now) piece of equipment history...

    I've also been buying these up just for the weighted butt cap. Easy to swap in the butt cap instead of weight (or if I need extra handle weight). For $1, it's a steal. I've put them into Radicals and Prestiges.
  23. Addxyz

    SF, near Stanford.

    I thought he meantioned that he's back in norcal...
  24. Addxyz

    SF, near Stanford.

    In town this year? Isn't @MaxTennis back too?
  25. Addxyz

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Nothing wrong with gut / poly in the BP. @PrinceYonex and I have gut / poly in ours. VS / MaxPower Rough 55/51 in mine.
  26. Addxyz

    Effects of weight tape AFTER removal?

    Phantom limb.
  27. Addxyz

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Isn't the 345.2 the 98" PrestigePro and not the 95"?
  28. Addxyz

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Prestige Pro 16x19 is out in the US. Any reviews from the EU folks that had it previously? Trying to compare it with a 345.2.
  29. Addxyz

    Pro's (Past and Present) That Have Swung a Wilson 6.1 [Includes major winners]

    I was actually curious about the v14 grommets that TW sells... if they fit in older 18x20 six ones since the v13/v14 was just an HPS PJ?
  30. Addxyz

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Oh man, Carve is the new Zus?