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  1. F

    String recommendations for Wilson Blade V9 98 16x19

    Did someone try ice code 1.20 or 1.25 in Blade V9?
  2. F

    Wilson Blade V9 2024

    Which strings and what tension are you using for Blade V9 16x19?
  3. F

    Wilson Pro Staff X V14 Thread

    I dont see Prostaff X as an unpredictable frame. It has a bit lover level of control, as for instance Ezone 98. You should find suitable string and tension for this frame. It has nice power lever, feel, comfort. I feel i play better than with Ezone 98.
  4. F

    Wilson Pro Staff X V14 Thread

    Now im testing ice code 1.20 at 24/23 kg (should test 1kg lower). Before that i tested Hyper G 1.20 23/22 kg, Kirschbaum PLII 1.20 23/22kg, Yonex PTP 1.20 23/22 kg, on demo was Signum Pro hyperion 1.24 25/24 kg. Now in quite satisfied with ice code, but i will try Head lynx tour, Kirschbaum max...
  5. F

    Wilson Pro Staff X V14 Thread

    I agree with you. I think it is a great racket too. It gives you good power, control, with right choice of string and tension. You need to add a little bit of spin, it is not so" Flat friendly".
  6. F

    Wilson Pro Staff V14.0

    I strung Prostaff X with Kirschbaum pro line II with 23/22 kg.
  7. F

    Wilson Pro Staff V14.0

    I switched from ezone 98 2020 to pro staff X, BH and slice are much better. I have depper balls, servis seems OK. FH similar with a little more depth. I put extra weight on ezone 98, 3g in the handle and 3g at 3 an 9. I think i play batter with pro staf X.
  8. F

    Wilson Pro Staff X V14 Thread

    I tried Yonex PTP 1.20 23/22 kg, but is not so lively like in Ezone 98. It is so low powered. I will try Kirschbaum Pro Line II 1.20 23/22kg.
  9. F

    Wilson Pro Staff X V14 Thread

    I bought new Wilson pro staff X. Which strings are you using, and what tension? I played with demo, with signum pro hyperion 25/24 kg and it was quite powerful.