Search results

  1. gocard

    What do you play with?

    Still using my trusty nCode Six-One 95, 16x18 with either Penn or Dunlop balls. I just haven't come across anything else that can take the nCode's place yet.
  2. gocard

    **** #1 Redondo Talks Thread ****

    Still love my 5-year old Redondos but the rubbery paint is feeling sticky instead of velvety like when it was newer. It's getting to the point where tennis ball fuzz sticks at the throat where I hold the ball before I serve, and cleaning the racquet doesn't make the sticky feeling go away. Has...
  3. gocard

    Staying with your racquet for a Long time.

    Still playing with the Wilson ncode 6.1 95, 16x18. Love this racquet, it's so solid and feels like an extension of my arm. I haven't tried any of the later models yet.
  4. gocard

    Which is the best-looking Tennis racquet?

    I'll always be a huge fan of the nCode Six-Ones. The deep red shine of the Pro Kennex Redondo is also one of my favorites.
  5. gocard

    Yonex Vcore Tour 97 "Light" (the 310 grams version) discussion thread

    I'm very interested in the vcore 97 so this has been a very helpful thread. I'm still using my ncode six-one 95, so would probably be comfortable with a 330 weight but I am curious about the 310 - do most people prefer it due to its increased maneuverability? A lot of reviews have described it...
  6. gocard

    Is it worth switching from 1hbh to 2hbh?

    I used to play with a 2hbh, then switched to a 1hbh because of Henin (I'm female) and Federer. I rarely see any females with 1hbh on the court and because most of my tennis friends are guys, they hit much harder and faster. Most of them use a 2hbh anyway. I think a 2hbh tends to be more...
  7. gocard

    Practicing volleys alone with a wall

    ^^ Didn't realize you posted the same one!
  8. gocard

    Practicing volleys alone with a wall

    I remember seeing an awesome youtube vid of someone fluidly hitting a bunch of strokes against a wall - volley, groundstrokes, overhead but no luck in finding it yet. However, I came across this - Cara Black volleying against a wall. I was mesmerized but it's crazy... :D I'd probably hit...
  9. gocard

    Your Racquet Timeline

    1. Kid sized Kneissl White Star 2. random aluminum racquet 3. Pro Kennex Micro OS :D 4. Wilson 2.7 5. Wilson Hammer 6.2 6. Wilson n6.1 95 16x18 (current) 7. Wilson n6.1 90 Asian version 8. Pro Kennex Redondo 98 9. Dunlop AG100 10. Pro Kennex Redondo 93 (current)
  10. gocard

    ProKennex Ceramic Destiny...

    Does anyone have the specs on the Ceramic Destiny (95 sq in)? I took mine out for a spin the other day and it plays beautifully. Somehow it didn't feel like too big of a difference compared to my n6.1 95 although the beam itself took some getting used to.
  11. gocard

    Henin's Onehanded Backhand...

    Really miss her on the women's tour. There's just no one that's exciting and consistent enough for me to follow on that side anymore. That such a small woman can pack so much punch and variety into her shots is a source of inspiration to me. Her backhand was a thing of beauty.
  12. gocard

    The most beautiful racquet in the world!

    Oh I thought that was yours! Yes, I have both a mid and a midplus. The mid has been getting all of my attention lately.
  13. gocard

    The most beautiful racquet in the world!

    100% agreed. The way the dark red finish shines in the sunlight is Enjoy it! :D
  14. gocard

    Asics Gel Resolution 4 TW Exclusive Colorways

    Those grey/orange ones look pretty cool. I've never been that thrilled with the women's colorways so I've been loading up on the smaller men's sizes. Do the GR4s warrant the higher prices? I started from GR1 and they've been amazing. Have a pair left of GR2 and GR3 but I wonder if it's worth...
  15. gocard

    Post Close-Up Pictures of Pros' Shoes

    Looks so awesome, the way the clay kicks up when they're up in the air. Great pictures!
  16. gocard

    Best Wilson 6.1 90 Paintjob????

    +1 on the ncode. My favorite paintjob ever - classy, simple yet striking.
  17. gocard

    ***Dunlop Aerogel 1hundred (AG100) club***

    Anyone have a comparison of the 4D 100 or the Bio 100 to the n95? I'm trying to search in the thread but mostly came up with my old posts regarding the original AG 100.
  18. gocard

    Are we kidding ourselves with mid rackets?

    I've been switching between a 95 and 90/93 sq in heads. I don't find too much difference personally since the balances, weight and swingweights are roughly similar. There is a noticeable power difference though.
  19. gocard

    Racquets for girls

    I've seen several using the Wilson tour line - the latest one would be the BLX Tour racquet.
  20. gocard

    Post Pictures of your Racquets and Tennis Gear

    Very nice! What are the racquets between the Pro Staffs and the other Dunlops? (4th from right)
  21. gocard

    **** #1 Redondo Talks Thread ****

    Been playing with my Redondo mid very often lately and even got a friend interested enough to buy one of his own. :) This stick launches the ball like a rocket and yet manages to feel like butter. Tempted to get another one just because it makes me so happy.
  22. gocard

    wilson nCode tour

    @Petrus, it sounds like what you have is the Asian ncode 6.1 tour because of the weight. It is much lighter than the U.S. version. The ncode ntour is the orange one, extended length, 95 in (iirc). Not sure if you're able to come by the Asian versions of the newer 90 in. Tours to test out...
  23. gocard

    Roger's N90

    Great addition to your collection - thanks for sharing the pictures! This paintjob is one of my all-time favorites.
  24. gocard

    **** #1 Redondo Talks Thread ****

    Just brought out my Redondo mid the other day after breaking the strings on my main racquet - it was so smooth and easy to swing. I loved it! I have no idea why I haven't been using it more frequently. :-? However, I just noticed two raised lines along the throat of the racquet. I'm hoping...
  25. gocard

    ***Dunlop Aerogel 1hundred (AG100) club***

    Wow, now this new price is tempting. I already have the AG100 though - is it worth picking up the 4D as an extra if only because I have such a good impression of the AG100? :D
  26. gocard

    Lady's Shoes Reviews. Please post here

    Hi there, I took quite a hiatus from tennis but am now trying to get back into playing more regularly. I'm glad to see that you like the Asics Gel Resolution 3 so much. I still have a few pairs of the previous versions that I'm working through before I get around to buying new shoes, but I am...
  27. gocard

    ***Dunlop Aerogel 1hundred (AG100) club***

    Just getting back into the game after a over a year off. I used my AG100 yesterday and it's just as comfortable as ever. :) And I'm glad to see that this thread is still continuing!
  28. gocard

    Good dropweight machine

    I have a Gamma X6-FC (fixed clamps). It's been working really well for me so far. I think it was almost $500 but I got a good deal back when I was in the market for one. Another one I looked at was the Alpha dropweight with fixed clamps. That one is a bit cheaper than the Gamma but otherwise...
  29. gocard

    New Dunlop Aerogel 4D 100, 200 Tour, 600, 700, and The Legend at Thailand Open 2009

    Wow the 100 looks great! Thanks for posting!
  30. gocard

    Henin is BACK!!!!!!!!!

    Yahooo!!! I'm thrilled to hear this news. Hope she can stay injury-free. Now I'll start following women's tennis again. Thank you Justine! :D