Search results

  1. bcart1991

    Best strings for a tall flatter big hitter

    I'm 6'2", and hit pretty flat. I like a multifilament in a denser string bed, and poly mains/multi or zyex crosses in just about anything lol. The hybrid gives me good spin when I need it but doesn't punish me much when I hit flatter shots. I usually string in the upper half of the tension range.
  2. bcart1991

    Best items you found at thrift stores (Goodwill)?

    Picked up a HPS 6.1 on theBay recently, had my offer accepted. Looked good enough in the ics, turned out to be darn near flawless on arrival. It's a "stretch" model, but only about 1/4"-1/2" longer than my old Trusty Rusty 6.1. It'll do just fine. I need to check out some Play It Agains...
  3. bcart1991

    PS 6.0 95 vs BLX2 Six One 95

    Thanks for the links. I'll probably pick one up. Mostly bc I'm a racquet wh*ore...
  4. bcart1991

    PS 6.0 95 vs BLX2 Six One 95

    You, Sir, have yet to fully live. :laughing::laughing::laughing:
  5. bcart1991

    PS 6.0 95 vs BLX2 Six One 95

    Been thinking about the BLX2 version (white/red/gold), with the box beam instead of thin beam. How does it compare to the GOAT PS 6.0 95? I imagine it would be a little stiffer, but how is it feel-wise? They're still pricey most listings that I see, so it must be pretty decent. What says the...
  6. bcart1991

    can anyon identify these old Prince sticks?

    The one on the left looks like the Spectrum Comp with a different label.
  7. bcart1991

    Line squeezing seems to be a real problem, I probably shouldn't be surprised.

    Eyesight declines with age. And people are jerks. I'm not old, you're old..
  8. bcart1991

    Differences in captaining between ALTA and USTA

    For USTA you don't have to worry as much about who plays where. USTA teams will sandbag a TON and will become well-known for it. There's more consideration in ALTA as to who can play where, not so in USTA (unless they changed rules recently). Egos and all the other BS is the same...
  9. bcart1991

    Famous people playing adult leagues or tournaments?

    That's cool. Where are you from? I remember him playing at LSU. Went out with his sister a time or two also lol.
  10. bcart1991

    Help identifying a 6.1 95

    They were probably marked to discourage pros/shops from selling them. Next, we discuss the palpable difference between the HPS with a silver "W" versus the ones with a yellow "W"...
  11. bcart1991

    POG Mid grommet alternatives?

    I found a bumperguard on theBay for about $20.
  12. bcart1991

    POG Mid grommet alternatives?

    You could buy a POG Mid from me...
  13. bcart1991

    Anybody still using a "Classic" racket (1990s and earlier) as their main racket?

    You're right, it's a full inch longer than standard. I never notice it when playing though. I'm unloading a bunch of frames, classic and newer (including this Head) - hit me up for info.
  14. bcart1991

    Anybody still using a "Classic" racket (1990s and earlier) as their main racket?

    It sure doesn't play like it's a full inch longer, I'll measure and report back. It'll be for sale soon, thinning my herd since I hardly have time to play anymore.
  15. bcart1991

    Anybody still using a "Classic" racket (1990s and earlier) as their main racket?

    Yeah mine is XL, forgot about that. It's [---] <-- that much longer lol. No clue on the head sizes though.
  16. bcart1991

    Anybody still using a "Classic" racket (1990s and earlier) as their main racket?

    Flexible, but not as whippy in balance as my 6.0 95; solid but not as stiff as a Pure Drive.
  17. bcart1991

    I feel like theres no good racquets nowadays

    Fair read, 6.5/10. Needs a touch more trolling and rage. New racquets are just old racquets with different paint.
  18. bcart1991

    Are all Hotmelt frames a sticky mess?!?

    Hot melt is a hot mess. Tried Goo Gone, alcohol, and other stuff. Mostly still there. Marginally worse was the decades-old grip that disintegrated in my hand...
  19. bcart1991

    Head ultimate competition?

    No, not really.
  20. bcart1991

    Are all Hotmelt frames a sticky mess?!?

    I've bought a couple Dunlop Hotmelt-era frames (200 and 400) recently, and both have been an awful, sticky, gummy mess. The paint is fine, just the outer "coating" they put on them is just terrible. Has anyone easily removed it? How? Normal solvents aren't working.
  21. bcart1991

    Head ultimate competition?

    I have a MP XL version and I love it. It certainly doesn't play like it's that hefty. Excellent control frame, I use poly/zyex hybrid in the upper half of the tension range. Solid at net too.
  22. bcart1991

    So uh, how's 2021 going for you?

    Between work, kids' sports, and other life I'm 2-0 in Senior Men's matches.
  23. bcart1991

    AA1 ALTA mixed team

    Oh yeah, B-1 to A-6 you get some real solid 4.0 tennis. Lots of guys who just want to play and not drive 45 minutes for high-A/AA matches. Like me out here in west GA.
  24. bcart1991

    AA1 ALTA mixed team

    Seniors doubles (B-5) a few weeks ago, I came up against a guy who played at Young Harris back in the day. Big strokes but I was able to get him off his game and won 2 and 2. I still swear I'm not that old...
  25. bcart1991

    AA1 ALTA mixed team

    Man, I miss being fit enough to play at that level. Three kids and 30 lbs ago...
  26. bcart1991

    AA1 ALTA mixed team

    A3 and above is usually 4.5+ (esp lines 1 and 2) but Atlanta USTA is pretty underrated.
  27. bcart1991

    AA1 ALTA mixed team

    I have a nice counter to your match - I played 2 matches for my senior men's team (I CAN'T BE THAT OLD!!!!) and won half of our 4 total points for the season... I played a couple seasons at AA4 years ago, that level ain't no joke.
  28. bcart1991

    What has been your key to improvement?

    The canings every time I missed a shot. Definitely the canings.